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Brigitte spiers


Ask me something ;) xxxx

48 Replies

And since web did u d8 Connor ??

Lat year for like 3 eeeks

Brigitte_spiers19 replied 4204 days ago

Since wen did u date kalarni from st kilians

in grade 5 mate
Does it fricken matter?

Brigitte_spiers19 replied 4204 days ago 2

Finlay is a lowlifed desperate man ***** is is ugly as f*** he is shi*house at football he is so fat he has no life he is using you he is a stupid dumbas* he has what 3 friends the kyle Dic* and jason? he thinks hes so f***ing tough and f***ing arrogantbastard

i'm sorry but you just really need to go away. you are the lowlifed one here too busy wasting time on here putting people down. Finlay doesnt need the hate.. in fact nobody deserves this bullshi* hate. In fact he is the complete opposite to what you are saying about him. get a life and leave him and everyone alone. Your pretty tough saying this to me anonymously because your too scared to say it to our and my face because thats real tough mate real tough. You know absolutley nothing about our relationship so stay out of it and stop ragging on about people on qoohme and whatever just stop! ive had it up to friggin here with your shi* okay?

Brigitte_spiers19 replied 4205 days ago 1

Brigitte... i think we should break up.. i f***ing hate you and i made a new qoohme account to say this i think ur the biggest ugliest slu* evr i have always hated u lways will ur a ugly cakefaced *****! f*** you just f*** you i hate ur f***in guts Finlay_maclean101

my as* mate my fricken as* this is 100% fake you cant have 2 qoohme accounts under the same name so its obviously not him okay? so just stop all this bullshi* get a life and stop hurting people and causing trouble! you seem real tough mate real friggin tough nice try :)

Brigitte_spiers19 replied 4205 days ago 1

how many times has finlay crossedurmind and howlong have youguys been goingout for and howdid youmeet
when your finished with Finlaywill youdate me?ive lovesyou forages and i want to say you are so damn hot!Finlay is so lucky to have a girllike you love him :)

Well he has crossed my mind once because he's never really left ;) haha we met on the bus we have been going out for 15 weeks (3 months) Hahahaha too early to say if ill date you yet hahahahhahahaha im pretty keen to know who this is?!?! hahaha not really that hot but haha thanks? hahahaha he is pretty lucky i guess haha :) <3 xx

Brigitte_spiers19 replied 4205 days ago 1 1

yare yousobeautiful you havegot to be the funniestgirlout youare soperfect i love ureyesyour smileyour laugh youreverythingurbody looks turnme onitkills me to see you talking toall theseguys ihavelovedyousince year7andeverytime ismile at u smileback idieinside

Aww thank you so much! i'm really keen to know who this is! tell me who this is! hahaha as i said all my good looks and all that all come naturally ;) hahaha <3 xxxx

Brigitte_spiers19 replied 4205 days ago 2

Cough *slu** cough! poor Finlay has to put up with aslu* like you u dont even like him u are using him and he hates u why would anyone like a stupid ***** like you tellinyanow u are the ugliest slu* that ever walkedtheface of the earth spud Bit** you are slu*!

I think you have said and hurt enough people for today and tonight! just seriously piss of and get a life i am quiet happy with my relationship with Finlay and all my friends and to be honest nobody actually cares about your opinion on you and my relationships and my life you dont know me at all or my story at all so just go away or there will be serious consequences!

Brigitte_spiers19 replied 4205 days ago 2

Honest thoughts on Eva Rancid

Oh my god.... where do i start? my thoughts on the rancid is like explaining what water taste like she is a wonderful beautiful amzing snot goddish rancid bestie :)

Brigitte_spiers19 replied 4205 days ago

How do you know Connor barker?

Close friends from year 7 camp went out for like 2 weeks...... no.1 regret but yeah hahahaha

Brigitte_spiers19 replied 4205 days ago 3 2

how did u know Kalani?

We went out for like 3 months in like grade 5 hahaha lol

Brigitte_spiers19 replied 4205 days ago 1

Do u remember Kalani from St. Kilians primary school?

Hahahaha yes!!!!!! hahaha i used to love that retarded kid! hahahhahaha

Brigitte_spiers19 replied 4205 days ago

The 24 year old ya rink

This is eva nice try mate :) my as* eva my as* ya manky rinky raisin

Brigitte_spiers19 replied 4205 days ago 1

chat me up se*ay thang ;)

How about no good lookin ;)

hahahahaha thats a bit lol

Brigitte_spiers19 replied 4205 days ago

Rate Finlay out of ten and give some reasons why!

i rate hima 10/10 because he is the biggest spud bag ever great person to be around and good to have a chat to :) he's pretty cute funny
words cant explain my feelings :* xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Brigitte_spiers19 replied 4205 days ago 1

-who am I?

Eva or lucinda?

Brigitte_spiers19 replied 4205 days ago