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Brina J May


Lets Brii honest, ask me anything.

341 Replies

What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?

Went overseas lol

BrinaJMay replied 2698 days ago

Why do you think people like/hate you?

Because they've heard rumors about me

BrinaJMay replied 2704 days ago

Just sending a reminder that you are a strong beautiful and amazing girl. With everything that has been thrown your way over the years, I honestly don't know how you do it and I really do admire you for never giving up. Sending lots of love xx

Thankyou, I too am surprised I've lived this long.

BrinaJMay replied 2709 days ago

The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?

Call and text?

BrinaJMay replied 2709 days ago

What's something that took you way too long to realize?

That emotional abuse wasn't normal and was warning signs of worse to come.

BrinaJMay replied 2719 days ago

Do you still love me or danny?

Well, I don't know who YOU are because you've sent the questions anonymously so I can't answer but I do miss Danny sometimes. The good times we had were amazing but unfortunately we just couldn't make both sides happy. I do hope he can find someone who does make him happy tho.

BrinaJMay replied 2719 days ago

Deepest desire?

To give all the love I have, and be loved for who I am.

BrinaJMay replied 2732 days ago

What's your best memory?

In all honesty I actually can't remember... anything good that's happened in the past 12 months is tainted by accidents and tragedy.

BrinaJMay replied 2732 days ago

What's your worst fear?

Unrealistic: getting s*cked through an airlock and getting Asphyxiated in space.
Realistic: never getting to have my children

BrinaJMay replied 2732 days ago

Would you rather have no arms or no legs?

I can do the nutbush with no legs but I can't macarena with no arms...

BrinaJMay replied 2732 days ago

What do you consider the 3 most attractive traits in a person?

I don't know

BrinaJMay replied 2732 days ago

Would you rather have the ability to fly, or the ability to be invisible?

Flying would be much more productive, I already seem to be pretty invisible...

BrinaJMay replied 2732 days ago

What do you think are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?

Strengths: Honesty, compassion
Weankess: emotional

BrinaJMay replied 2732 days ago

You're pretty and you should hold your head up high. Be yourself and love yourself for who you are. I don't know you very well and only met you through a friend but would be cool if we could become good friends too.

Thanks, I really do appreciate that.
Shoot me a message if you want :)

BrinaJMay replied 2755 days ago

What's on your mind?

I need me a person but I don't wanna be around people at the moment.

BrinaJMay replied 2756 days ago