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Brittney Rose Middleton


Just do it ✔️

38 Replies

hahahahha omg taj wouldn't like breanna anon you spastic..
- angelina.

Agreed haha

Brittttney12 replied 3766 days ago

You and Taj like each other but you's walk past each other like you's don't even know each other....

Because you watch every move we make? Haha..

Brittttney12 replied 3767 days ago

Your so f.u.c.k.i.n.g beautiful! Please be mine?

Pls leave.

Brittttney12 replied 3768 days ago

How long do you want to live?

Till I'm 10000

Brittttney12 replied 3768 days ago

I seen your profile picture on Facebook, and fkkkkkk your hot!

Thank you.

Brittttney12 replied 3768 days ago

Wowowowwowowowowow. Your qooh me is full of hate....


Brittttney12 replied 3768 days ago

Thoughts on Joel Garbutt?

Such a nice guy! Been through a lot together! Miss him heaps! Can't wait to see him Saturday! :)

Brittttney12 replied 3768 days ago

Taj is a cutie

I know that.

Brittttney12 replied 3768 days ago

Does Taj hate Breanna?

I don't know. Ask him for yo self.

Brittttney12 replied 3768 days ago

Is it true you gave Taj a ****job?

Yeah, well that's everyone is saying. But no wtf?

Brittttney12 replied 3768 days ago

Thoughts on Kristina maglovski and Molly Hayes and Jessica Brierty

They're all amazing

Brittttney12 replied 3769 days ago

The fact that you all think you are so tough just fkn talking **** on anon to Britt about what has nothing to do with you is so funny. Your balls must be huge to talk **** behind a screen you fkn low life's! Probably ugly mutts anyway! Love you Britt xx jordan.athorn35

Thanks heaps babe! They're just ruts. Love you xxxxx

Brittttney12 replied 3769 days ago

Yeah. Everyone is trying so hard to make you and him fall apart..

Yeah I know. They can try all they like. It's funny how once I like him everyone likes him. And yes I understand why. But really. They can all try as hard as they like because like we have both said, it's not going to happen. And they can hate all they like as well. But I'm happy doe. :)

Brittttney12 replied 3769 days ago

You dem we'll know that Breanna likes Taj. And yet you post a status saying you love Taj. Maybe Taj and Breanna are the ones for each other..

And I dem we'll know that Taj doesn't like Breanna. Maybe you should fk off. And maybe they aren't the ones for each other. Fk off doe.

Brittttney12 replied 3769 days ago

wtf stop giving brittney so much hate You're all heartless.She isn't ugly she's beautiful&she'd have more of a chance than you ever will So stfu sit the fuk down&move on with your life instead of hiding behind a screen because your a weak as* piece of sh!t oml Kira.101

Cheers girlie, xx

Brittttney12 replied 3769 days ago