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Brodie Long


Ask me anything you like anonymously even if it is hate

351 Replies

TBH ON ME CUPCAKE bianca.woodman7

We've been on and off with the talking but i really miss you, like a lot. We really need to catch up because there are a lot of things going on and i could use you <3

Brodiie replied 3402 days ago

What was the last thing that got stolen from you?

My dog tags, fcken stupid person on black ops 3 just shot me then ran for it, little sht

Brodiie replied 3404 days ago

How many hearts do you think you have broken ?

Ahahahaha, i haven't come onto this website for about a month or two and this is the first question i get, ahahaha

Brodiie replied 3440 days ago

If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?


Brodiie replied 3566 days ago

Whos Shania dating?

I have no clue, we don't talk anymore like at all. But I'd guess Jarred or however you spell it.

Brodiie replied 3635 days ago

TBH Tony Abbott

I don't really follow politics XD But I know he's costing us money they ***hole

Brodiie replied 3648 days ago

Are you and Shania a thing?

No, i got friend zoned but its probably for the best, besides, she already has someone

Brodiie replied 3648 days ago

ur last question

well theres Tori, Corrin, Tyler, Cori, Kendall, Lachlan. S... a lot more

Brodiie replied 3667 days ago

whos the ones drifting away??

Wait what ?

Brodiie replied 3669 days ago

What have you always wanted ? Did you ever get it ?

Money and yeah :)

Brodiie replied 3672 days ago

who do you miss?

a lot of people actually. I miss both friends and family, some are still alive but are drifting away and others are dead.

Brodiie replied 3672 days ago

who are your best mates?

People will get angry at me but it's my main group. Brandon barrow Noah Dobson Liam Cree Sebastian Itura Hipworth twins Jayden race Aleisha Shania. Done :)

Brodiie replied 3765 days ago

tbh on aleisha

Known her for ages and have had some fun times. She's dating my bestfriend and making him happy so yeah good job ? Ahahah.

Brodiie replied 3775 days ago 1

Tbh on Tori Millar

She is straight up amazing. She's beautiful and one of best friends. Can't wait till she comes to McClelland again and we really need to catch up more. So many old memories and hope to make plenty more new ones.

Brodiie replied 3775 days ago

Tbh f**nuts:') criipstellaxo

You're my best friend and you're always there for me and you're really helping through a lot right now. We needs to catch up and inbox me more you f***** xx

Brodiie replied 3775 days ago 1