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Brody Leigh Jakobsson


r u bein cheaky u foken skrub knt m9 ?

163 Replies

who the f makes rumors like that, who cares if your straight gay or whatever, dont worry about them ****s :p

There is zero percent wrong with being Gay. I support support it. Some of my best friends are homo*exual. "Gay" "bi" "lesbian" and all those words are just labels to who we all are! We're People!!

BrodyJakobsson replied 3339 days ago 1

your hot as

Lol true

BrodyJakobsson replied 3339 days ago

Are you gay or bi someone told me you were ?

No i am straight thank you very much Who told you? Come on **** cough it up Hate "friends" who to talk **** about ya

BrodyJakobsson replied 3339 days ago 1

hey <3 thoughts on me <3 karleybeard69

Hai :3, thoughts, well first off we have been really good friends since the end of year 6, i remember when you first started to talk to me, we became really good friends and a friend that i can rely on for as along as i live, you have been there for me from the very start and refuse to give up on a person like me, i know i am very hard to handle most time which can get very frustrating but you have stuck by my side for as long as i can remember, im glad that we didnt stop talking to each other when we broke up in year 7 because without that we wouldnt of became the best friends we are now, we have to catch up some time :) love ya

BrodyJakobsson replied 3399 days ago

How are you?


BrodyJakobsson replied 3426 days ago


**** off kunt

BrodyJakobsson replied 3426 days ago

im a girl not a mate you dip****

yeah good on ya

BrodyJakobsson replied 3427 days ago

who is your crush?

My girlfriend matey

BrodyJakobsson replied 3427 days ago

would you have *ex with anyone for a million?

nah mate sorry about that wrong answer

BrodyJakobsson replied 3427 days ago

would you kill someone for a million ?

I would Rasengan them in the left arm

BrodyJakobsson replied 3427 days ago

specfically what would you do for a million dollars?

nah you have a guess

BrodyJakobsson replied 3427 days ago

please tell me ?

nah shouldn't need to clarify them

BrodyJakobsson replied 3427 days ago

which p*rn sites do you go to ?

oh theres plenty but i figure that you wouldn't need me telling you because you visit to

BrodyJakobsson replied 3427 days ago

what would you do for a million dollars?

mate what wouldn't i do

BrodyJakobsson replied 3427 days ago

What is your biggest fear?

When you find out your favorite p*rn site has taken down

BrodyJakobsson replied 3498 days ago