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brayden w-t


Ask me something or Alf Stewart will be chasin your flat as* around the block

222 Replies

What turns you off in a person ?

when they're complete mind****s

Broodles replied 3788 days ago

Honest thoughts? ;) Kaylaashcroft

lucky you said honest, otherwise they would of been fake. nah but you're a sick little year 7 chicka ;) got a great personality, and will grow up to be a good looker, and i find it cool that we chat a lot and can actually have a good conversation. top effort ;) xo

Broodles replied 3789 days ago 1

thoughts on cass

talked for a while, very nice body, very cool chick, but yeah :)

Broodles replied 3808 days ago

just because she wont let you come over tomorrow, doesn't mean she is mean, she is actually quite lovely ;) xxxx cassguan_

thanks cass xx

Broodles replied 3859 days ago

thoughts tasmyngordon

you're v cool, and you're a great friend i dunno what id do without ya xx

Broodles replied 3872 days ago

thoughts on meee xxxxxx cassguan_

you're the cutest of cuties, i love every second im with you, you give off the best vibes and you love kombivans which is fresh ;) i dont like your mum tho, she's mean. but i do like you. xxxxxxxx

Broodles replied 3872 days ago 1

I think I really like you, but, I don't know if you talk to a lot of girls, or are even interested in relationships. but oh my god you are so hot and wow. you are perfect to me. I would love to date you. xx.

i think i know who this is, and i love this, but you have nothing to worry about! xxxx

Broodles replied 3872 days ago

thoughts laurennn7

Lozza you're the coolest chick ever we have so many memories I like how we dated that was cool! You're super attractive and so nice and I miss you xx

Broodles replied 3917 days ago

Your source of happiness?

****in lifeee <3

Broodles replied 3944 days ago

have you ever sent someone a valentines card ??

hahahahahahaha nope

Broodles replied 3950 days ago

Thoughtssss Hannah_7

i miss you like crazy man we had the best chills and i think we should chill again soon fanks xx

Broodles replied 3999 days ago

How do you feel about dating exes?


Broodles replied 3999 days ago

thoughts xxx celine_roberts

good chick so attractive and awesome to chill with and good to talk to xxx

Broodles replied 3999 days ago

thoughts loser x coffff_dawg

courtney you're the best human ever we have a few memories and they're all so very fabulous thankyou for everything love you lots xxxxx

Broodles replied 4002 days ago 1

thoughts ha ha ha ha lel tasmyngordon

you're the cewlest cat on the block been through a lot and such a good chick

Broodles replied 4002 days ago