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Harry ****ing Styles
Fiddy cents
There isn't really a specific 'they' in mind.
Not a yes but not a no either :)
Not really.
Ooh about 7 months early, but thanks anyway! :)
That's so nice! I enjoyed becoming friends with you aswell! :)
Thank you so much! You are a beautiful person for telling me this! :)
He gets it from me obvi!
I know you didn't get you're appalling spelling from my side of the fambam Brad.
Don't you hate predict a text. I'm presuming you meant THIRD question Bradley?
You shouldn't talk about Urine like that.
I would say a solid 6.025 at least :) NAH SHE'S MY MAIN CHIKA!
That he is. But a babe that makes me mad :)
He is very very lame.
My complete bad Jesse!
My favourite colour is blue tied with yellow.
I think so to. He's not full of himself at all.
Not disagreeing
I know! It's crazy :)
Seems like a cool guy. His hair is absolutely flawless :)
Love her to bits :) Nicest girl.
Was in most of my classes growing up. Pretty cool guy. :)
I've been good friends with him for 12 years now. He's absolutely amazing :)
Probably Liam. He seems like he would have the most meat on him, hahahaha. Toughest decision of my life so far though.
Thought it would be a bit of fun. :)
You're a beautiful person for saying that. :) x
I feel like its varsity weather tomorrow :)
Carla, Leslie, Amy, Taylor, Alex, Erin and Amber & Kirra obvi :)
Every decision I have made has led me to where I am now, and I wouldn't change anything. :)
I chose vcal because I wanted to start a course straight away and I hate the whole 'learning out of the textbook' way of teaching. I didn't want to spend my last years of high school being stressed out of my mind for something I wasn't passionate about.
I don't have a best friend exactly, I have a group of very close friends that I have known for years. They are my family :)
Which Erin?
Susan, Jane and Tilly hands down. They be my main *****es :)
She my boo <3
Right back at ya tard.