anyone your interested in?
hmmmm ;)
Close guy friends from TPS?
Pat, Sam, Kristo, Kurt, dan, Alex idk
quite a funny guy, real nice, puts up with my really terrible replying and we have to catch up sometime ❤️
Fave year 9 girl and boy
hmm don't have favourites I love em alllll
What happened to you and hana I thought you were best friends?
Haha omg read the other questions I've had
I am harder than a rock babe
That's nice
You are one of the most beautiful looking girls I have ever seen... and the most *exy ;)
Hahha aww
Why aren't you and Hana friends anymore?
What makes you think that?
Your as* mmmmm hahaha
hahha why thanks
Why don't you and Hana hang out as much anymore?
I don't know
Tbh Lexi xxx
Tbh Adele Walshe xx
Love her and miss her so much! Such a beautiful girl xx
Real nice guy, haven't spoken in aages so should talk more!
Do you work at Supre?
Yes! Come and buy some clothes
why she not in your best friend list??
That doesn't mean anything :)
why are you losing weight? you dont need to! your way to skinny
haha aw thanks anon
What's happened with you and Hana?
Nothing :)
are Matt, Tyler, Ethan, Pat, Adam, James and Jimmy the best looking guys in your year level? in your opinion?
In my opinion yes :p
Have you lost weight?
I have! 4kg so far
You different this year
I'm happier :)
best friends at tps?
Lexi, Isabel, Emma, Lucy, Beth, Milly, Gemma, Ceal more
Want a running partner?
No thankkkkkks
do you workout cos those calfs are mighty fine !!!!!
hahahh I run everydayyy
hottest year 12's?
This year or last yearrrr?
Do you have insta? x
I do! brookewest1 x
I have massive e***tion at the sight of you ;)
hahaha woo
I want to be your boyfriend :) xxxxxx
that's nice xx
do you want a boyfriend?
I am jerking off to you right now ;) xxxxxxxx
Ahhhhhk xx
you are ****en beautiful and you have the best body ever nicest as* ever and perfect t*** ;)
haha well thanks ;)
Yeah real hard and ***** ;)
haha alrighty then
fav peeps from padua
Chloe and Chloe!
Top 5 girl friends!?
Hailey, ash, Hana, Tamara, neve
People you want to get closer to?
haha I just had this question and I have no idea probably just get to know the friends I was starting to get closer with at the end of last year!
your so pretty brooke!
Aw thankyou!
Girls and guys you would like to know better in 2014 at school?
I have noo idea!
Hottes guys ?
There's a few
your calfs ohhhhh i think i just came
you make me hard, just sayin
Oh yeah
thoughts on Oscar Craig, Sam Humphris and Taylor Harrison
Good people
Dayum you *exy babe haha ;)
hahah thank you ;)
I saw you the other day in mornington, you looked so hot! ;)
haha thanks x
Do you like anyone
For me to know and you not to know unless you inbox me
We haven't ever talked though :(
so! just inboxx
Your so skinny! Put on some beef babe xxxxxx
Aw as if! thanks heaps xxx
Your so attractive !! :)
Thank you!
Such a sweet guy, haven't seen him in ages !
Be my girlfriend :(
Be mine, inbox me!
You have the most amazing as* and thighs I have ever seen, sooooo hot ohhhhh
thank you xxx
top 5 hottest year 10's ?
last year or this yearrrr?
Would you date a year 10?
thoughts on pat lhuillier ?
Best person!
What do you look for in a guy? :)
Someone funny
Rumour is it matt your brothers friend is trying to date Ashleigh butlerr
What? I don't think so
Best guy friends
cormac, sammy p, pat l, josh cbf saying the rest
Would you have *ex at this age ?
dunno would i
You arms are weird
I reckon you and Tay Tay harro?
haha no
if there was a kid in year 9 at tps you would want to get to know better who would it be?
a kid meaning guy or gal
How's jimmy
i dont know, ask him
Your very hot wish I could have you
aw thanks
Do you really trust what boys say?
what you mean by that?
Crushing on anyone babe?
thats for me to knoww
Do you wish you went to Torah college xo
peninsula's alright :)
Thoughts on Sophie McCormack
dont know her that well but seems nice :)
Anyone at Padua you don't know and would like to?
um not sureee
honest opinion on the Brittany Costa xoxo
i dont know her :)
Are you mates with tilly Gibson?
not really no
I guess his **** is not gunna s*ck itself, someone has to to do it xoxo
haha ok
Honest opinion of rose feutril?
such a nice girl! so pretty and really good to talk to
thoughts on angus c and mason De w?
angus c- dont talk much seem like a nice person thoughh
mason- best human! really funny and good to be around
Does it **** you he tunes you but 'catches up' with her? :')
didnt know :)
Why are you confused about the Lordy question!?
why not
could you name "a few" good looking guys at tps?
ummm year 9?
matt l
james l
tyler c
i dont know realllly
tbh on milly , hana and Gemma xoox ( individually ) <3
hahaha umm
hana- besto, dont know where id be without her
milly- such a gorgeous girl! bestest friend!
gemma- amazing netballer ;) hottest chick going round and yeah bestfrand
Who is better looking michael, cooper, harrison, luca, george all go to you school
is that in michael cann?? and i dont know who cooper, harrison, luca or george are.. haha
you are the hottest girl at tps - love from many boys
Which girls do you miss?
my primary girls
Are you still interested in Lordy when he spends his time chasing gronk chunky girls like britt costa xx
umm haha?
name 5 good looking yr 9s at peninsula?
a fewww
Best guy friends at peninsula in year 9?
A few :)
Thoughts on anklet angel ? :')
Favourite year 8's?
josh and michael
Prettiest girls in year 9?
whos better looking? nathan mc,ryan mc,barno?
haha nathan and ryan are kinda tge same and barnos cute
ahh thos girls are Bit**es??
thoughts on jade Rooney :)
seems like a nice girl from production :)
Best looking girls from Padua
chloe, julia, beth, chloe, heaps!
good looking year 9s at tps?
a few
do you find acne off putting?
nah not really, dont really think about it