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Dayton Brokensha


Ask or tell me anything relevant

334 Replies

What do you no longer waste time on?

???? these questions

Brxkensha replied 2804 days ago

U said existance started from "a single celled organsism" and divided from there... Where did that so called cell come from? It couldn't just pop out of no where. Something itself cant randomly come from nothing

Stars form from nothing. Certain abysmal clusters form from nothing. Next thing you're gonna say is "nothing must come from something"...

Brxkensha replied 3008 days ago

What’s the difference between atheism and agnosticism?

Atheism is about belief, or specifically what you don't believe. Agnosticism is about knowledge, or specifically about what you don't know. An atheist doesn't believe in any gods. An agnostic doesn't know if any gods exist or not.

Brxkensha replied 3013 days ago

do you worship the devil

I'm atheist. fck.

Brxkensha replied 3013 days ago

im so happy you stopped cutting, your instagram pics are rsther scary and i heard your dad died. now i understand why you dnt believe in god cause you think he put you through all of this. so i respect you dont belive in god. its okay. enjoy your day x

Thanks but my "religion" comes not from what happened in my life. I don't think he put me through anything because he's non-existent... When I say I don't believe in "god" i truly mean I believe in fact not fairytale. BUT... Thank you for respecting my life choices.

Brxkensha replied 3013 days ago

"Filling societies head with lies" .... once again u think u know everything

Ok genius go and worship your false prophet. Live your life on your knees while I live my life standing up straight. You're just as pathetic as the next person. You consider yourself a Christian yet you aren't following the creed. You're literally Christian because of the title. Pray for forgiveness btch.

Brxkensha replied 3013 days ago

hell is where you belong hell....your so evil!!!!!
you manipulated jade..into breaking her virginty with you so disgusting shame on you...shame on you

See you there you pathetic childish swine. Learn to spell while you're alive. You might bring purpose to your worthless life.

Brxkensha replied 3016 days ago 1

You should watch the movie God's not dead it will enlighten you

Yet another movie filling society's heads with lies

Brxkensha replied 3016 days ago

Even if evolution became a fact , that can't prove that there isn't a God/creater ???

Doesn't matter. God is a homophobe, racist and the most evil being to ever not exist. If he were to magically to appear I would rather be brutally murdered than follow him. Then again I will be brutally murdered if I don't ? how would you feel if I said to you "I love you. But if you do not love me and serve me like my slave... I will torcher you and inflict the most pain humanly possible for all eternity" would you not find me to be a dck? Well thats what Jesus said. Why is he different?

Brxkensha replied 3017 days ago

Where do you think existence came from?

A very long process whereby cells and organisms manifest into something greater. It all started from a single celled organism. Mitosis was the second step. Life came after. Man was not just magically put on earth. There was no fcking blueprint for the human anatomy. There is literally proof of the development of the human brain. Through a very very very slow process called evolution.

Brxkensha replied 3017 days ago

You answer these religious questions as if you some philosopher who knows it all. Just because it's your opinion/belief it doesn't make it factual

Christians read a book that their parents said was the way of life and now their narrow minds believe that and only that. Its not an opinion or belief. Christianity is an opinion and a belief. The answers to these "religious" questions are factual, sourced and realistic. Saying there is definitely a creator of earth is like saying "elves live in my shoe. The shoe exists so the elves must be real." fcking moronic

Brxkensha replied 3017 days ago 1


Lol ok? Jessica is rad af bro?

Brxkensha replied 3023 days ago 1

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.

Evil is a story made up by Christianity. Morals are taught to you as a child. The bible stresses it a bit more... You who are all too shtscared to read the satanic bible... (because you're all narrowminded af) there is no such thing as Satan even in its scriptures. It clearly states that Satan is a figure much like the boogeyman there to scare you into behaving? I speak nothing but the truth

Brxkensha replied 3023 days ago

Does God exist? The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today

God is an illusion to get you to obey society's secret rules. God is an excuse to get you to obey the law. You are being played for a fool. Grow up. Dont believe in the stories your parents told you as a child. You realise Santa and the Easter bunny are fake but you still manage to believe the worst one is non-fiction. Have your own brain. Don't share the rest of the world's.

Brxkensha replied 3023 days ago

(Hebrews 11:6 ). Faith in God is not a blind leap into the dark; it is safe step into a well-lit room where the vast majority of people are already standing.

I'd like the room with intelligent people. A room without the necessity of light. A room without conforming sheep. The room filled with the least judgemental people in existence.

Does that not sound better than a well lit room where the vast majority of people are... Rapists, murderers, molesters included. Everyone striving for the same pointless goal. To "serve". You know that's slavery in a shtty disguise right?

You are all slaves you want to be in the above example of a "room"
The room is cramped people. Find a new route to your destination. I promise you you'll be happier.

Brxkensha replied 3023 days ago