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Haydon, Emily, Georgia, and Jayden. And my family. <3 they're all amazing.
Enough money for me would be to have a life that I can get by living but have enough to get a little something extra every once in a while.
Who makes me happy?..... Hmm. There are few people who make me happy. Emily Mayfield Michael Thomas Jasmin Bolstad Ryan Andreya Jayden Eldridge And that's about it....
Heh... Something I shouldn't work myself up over. But I do anyway....
I get along with all of them pretty well but I guess I would have to say I get along with Jem Jem the best. But only because we're twins. I probably talk to Liesl and Jemma the most.
Harleigh Brooke Brandon Benjamin Jemma Liesl Mickayela
I have seven siblings.
I've got no idea.
Yes. Well. I was dating him until about a week ago. He decided to get drunk and cheat on me. We were. We were close for about two months until he asked me out. I'm not so sure now. His best friend is still one of my closest friends so I'm not sure how that will go down... And I miss him like hell... But such is life. It kicks me down and I get back up and prove that it can send anything my way and I'll fight through it.
I wouldn't trade either. I am sufficiently smart and even though I think that I am not great looking I've been told many times that I am pretty. Which I am happy with. I don't need any more brains not do I want any less, and I don't think that I need to change my looks at all.
Well why not? Even if I am smart why does that mean that I cannot be on a social media site? Is there some rule against smart people being on sites like these? Well if there is I am unaware of it.
Nothing. I have everything I need.
You're an inspiration. You encouraged so many people to do so many different things. Thankyou for impacting on everything you did.
Sneak out to see Brohdy.. Even if it meant having to walk the 20kms to Murray Bridge. <3
Too man things to mention have I learned today. The most prominent being, if you get a medicine ball kicked at your face it hurts and your eye socket and nose starts to swell in about 10 minutes. Not fun buddy.
To spend the day with the people who mean the most to me. <3
Ummm the same way you would approach a guy you like I guess. It's exactly the same just with a different gender.
"It's fine. Go." To Brohdy when he told me he was wagging 4+5
My weight and my ability to communicate with people without yelling at them and wanting to hit them across the head with a chair.
I dunno. I don't really know. I don't tend to pay attention to their laughs because I think it's just good if they are laughing.
This is one of the stupidest ****ing questions I've ever read. ._.
My twin, my best friends.
Brohdy and doctor who. Simply because I'm watching doctor who but Brohdy is always on my mind...
Too many things. Brohdy, school, how many people are going to piss me off that day.
Chloe: amazing girl with such a big and bright personality. I wouldn't change her for the world. Kirsten: she is my little sister. She's gorgeous but she doesn't realise it. Cheyenne: my twin... My other half. Couldn't live without her and wouldn't want to. Emily: SHAZZUP MUZZA! That's all I have to say and only she will understand it. But she's also beautiful and my Harry Potter buddy. I miss all of them so much it's not funny. They're all my best friends and leaving was one of the hardest things I've ever done.
Bobbie. As much as I ****ing hated her I liked seeing her.
Umm I don't usually get advice.... I'm usually giving it. Lol.
I don't actually know. I would like to, but I would also love to stay here because of everyone I've met and everything I've learnt.
I consider many things valuable to me. And I'm not sure which is most valuable.
Hello Hopey :)
Thankyou. :3 if my sense of humour wasn't weird I would be concerned! It would be the only thing about me that isn't weird! :P
Thankyou anonymous. And I'm sure that you're pretty as well. <3
Anything and everything.
Haha thanks Steph. :) they gonna be ask dumb questions I'll give them am answer they don't understand. :P <3
A good personality, doesn't treat me differently in front of their friends, respects my siblings.
Hey! Brushed your teeth lately?
Everything. She's just f***ing amazing.
Yes I wuvs you Weedle.
Yes. Jayden Dylan Jordan
Dunno. I've had both but they're both pretty crap.
Red dog.
Yes. Why?
I know!! And I dot know. :( I'm just a such thing magnet.
Who wants to know?
I am soo blue that I automatically become greener than purple. ;D
Ermmmm ok then. Thanks but that's kinda weird.
Nooooo!! No netball. I would break a bone or maybe five playing netball! I fly to play volleyball!! Haha but you're cray cray toooooo! ^~^
Kiss: Nate. Marry: Jayden. Kill: Dale. Sorry dale.
If I say. The world will know.
No not really. We've just become really good friends over the past few days.
Dear darlin' Rough boy Little talks.
What? I'm confused. :(
Who isn't bored?!
Not much. How about you Em?
Ummmm ewwies no. That's my sisters boyfriend..... /:
Hello Emily. ^~^
Of course I would.