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I answered ur,i even m0tivated it.n0w u wnt me 2 m0tivate my m0tivati0n?
Child plz!
All diz q\'z b0u hm/l0v lyf r beginin 2 irritate da **** 0uta me.kgaaa!
rndiz is da lst 1 m answerin!!!
rn-n0.i sw thru hm & n we nva signed a c0ntract syn we wud sty faithful 2 each ada.
0k,i thnk it wil depend 0n da situati0n.
Thng is i cnt mke sum1 l0v me if dy dnt & surely wnt 4s u 2 sty if wnt 2 leave. name is Laxative hun.
Definately my true & real 1s th0ugh.
Hmmm...the calender?
Zodwa gt diz 2.hmm.
Bt neway Thanx b00,atlst m 2step cl0ser 2 bec0min Ben10.8 mre 2g0 :D
0nly 1 prsn i knw lykz syn 'r0ckin up' n 'dai deng'
Unles ur Trey S0ngz i rly gt nun 2 sy 2u.
m glad i tagged wit hm,i hd da bestest tym wit hm
Ws i sup0s 2 fil sumin?ayn lyk he br0ught Nicki Minaj 0r Natalie Portman
Hahaha.i l0v c0ld handz rubbin my back gently {*^_^*}
Ai.0 b0rega snax my dear,dnt u hv a park 0r jukeb0x r0und ur crib?
Hang ar0und n ctchup wit maatz...sundayz is strictly my fam,metr0 fm,the kitchen n i's tym.
Vir wat?g0 luk in da yell0w pagez
Sum1 u d0n knw...
Dependz hw u define s far s i knw,nah,iv never bullied ne1.atlst nt intensi0nally.
Who? me mke diz clear 1s again: ake j0li.i am single,n0t available 0r l00kin.s0 wh0eva 0r whateva u thnk i myt b datin,well,I AM NOT!!!
Ke mang 0???
L0l a wh0le l0t ey.l0l,m a s*cker 4 j0kez n ppl wit grt sense 0f hum0ur wab0n :D
rnl jst heard diz 1 2dy: 3 m0nkeyz g0 2 heavn n ask God 2 mke em luk human,God pulz 0ut a pic 0f Robert Mugabe n askz: lyk diz?
rnDa m0nkeyz reply: mxm.ayi hlekisi,phela ma unga funi uyeke!.
rnLmbfa0 *dead*
Uhm.tanx...ake j0le nna!
Haha.really?i tke it ur a gud ment0r
(i knw hu u r u lil m0nkey.nxa.l0l)
if u wer a gal thn u wud undand,bt ur jst a b0y *singing*
l0l.m nt 0bsessed,m jst l0vin hm n embracin it.hz 1 fyn br0thr i tel ya,n da v0ice is jst da cherry 0n t0p.g00gle 'h0t' n hs face wl p0p up (**,)
W0ah.uhmmm,errr 0k.yea twaz gr8 yea.
Bt erthng hpnz 4 a reas0n i guess.
Uhmmm.thn h0w did u find me here 0n Qme?*thinkin*
Neo Mac Bubblez
Yes myskat,a pure 1 :)
...n0 i have n0t!
which bf n0w wena tsibinkie?...
Vele ake j0li,kea ratana.tsa0 j0la ke tsa ma ad0li.l0l *hidez*
Un4tn8ly i ey,regret is tym l0st dat ul nva gt bk.
s0 i try 2 d0 wt i lyk s0dat i dnt hv regrtz later 0n wab0n.
Bath0ng...ka j0la nna kante?
Uhmmm haha.tanx h00r!
The 0ldest was 6yrz 0lda than me...the y0ungest was just 5mnthz y0unger l0l.
I w0uldn date ne1 5yrz 0lda,the ab0v mensi0ned i ddn knw til b0u weekz later.n i w0uldn date ne1 mre dan a year y0ungr dan me.
Cutest chic?hmmm...cute has 2d0 with being sh0rt,squeeky v0iced,inn0cent lukin n al smily ryt?l0l.
If i d0n 'lyk' hm n0w y w0uld i d0 s0 later?haha.
Bt 0n da real th0,i w0uldn date hm 4 hs status,bt 4 yena s hmslf if i rly lyk hm.
Van Bergen,Bosh0ff n Mas0nt0.l0l...but,s 4 learnerz,i thnk lytz,krypt0n,k0bra,c0nfidence,b00tz,pabi,my frndz n st r de r crz kidz at tech ey
Wtf?,die tlh0lla y0ng,datz nt me.ele g0re wena 0mang? ("_)
L0l i tried bt c0uldn reach it,itz eithr itz way 2 high 0r m jst 2 sh0rt
Waaahhh?l0l...0fc0z n0t,jeeperz!!!
ai.we are jst friends,n datz jst b0u all wev been/are.n0ne m0re.
Aaarg.rum0urz r rum0urz n i ch00se n0t t0 entertain them...whether theyr true 0r n0t.
Mr.Molefe and Mnengwane :) l0l.le Van Bergen
...they r BIG boyz yea.
There are actually 3,but G0lden by Jill Sc0tt describez me best s0 id lyk 2 think
Uhm.n0ne 0f the ab0ve thank y0u...
*dr00ling* OMG.i'd be lucky if i c0uld actually get a glimpse 0f him.f0r all i kn0w ima be in ICU c0z 0f cardiac arrest.l0l.that guy weakens me (^^,)
ANY DAY,ANY TIME...leyena he kn0wz i w0uld =D.want help?hehe
L0l.i just hav a hist0ry le y0na,a bad 1.and i hate c0c0nut... bath0ng.Gill is a friend,i have n0 r0mantic feelings f0r him.
L0l.0k m0th0.why u 0n ab0ut pe0plez relati0nshipz?hehe.
But if u must kn0w,it was unxpected,but i think what they have is cute =).i l0ve em b0th
Really? opini0n is "LOL".lyk wh0 w0uld hv th0ught?tju.but thatz what makez lyf interesting,the surprises n hw unpredictable it is.if they are happy with each 0ther,then c00l ey.
Haha.stre0typin i c.watz wr0ng with dark guys?.2 answer ur q,NO.
twaz just a c0nincidnce ya k0 PTHS.i happen t0 put Pers0nality b4 m0st thingz (60%).i l0ve 2 laughin n havin a g00d time :)
Can you rephrase that.
L0l...under unussual cir***stances,yes.
L0lment.0k,n0w y0ur making the q unfair.was g0nna say him *r0llz eyez*....
Blade g0t nice lips th0ugh *runz + hidez*
L0l.uhm.NO!.th0ugh iv kissed a girl bef0re...r0mantically w0uld just be insane.
H0nestly,i did,m0re than 0nce.but that was years ag0...i've gr0wn and d0n d0 that anym0re.
...s0meb0dy asked this 1 already,haha.but anyway,ke "My Boyfriend" ;) i even g0ing?haha.supp0se i d0,i'd take my b0yfriend if n0t my friend with.
uhmmm q please. (0.o)
errr,id cry my as* 0ff y0h.l0l...but 0n the real,id pray.nna i'm afraid to die.
lol is that a tricky question?
I love the one that lovez me more the most.fair? (G)
W0w...haha.0k,i g0t FEARS.i fear l0sing my granma,m0m,lil br0 0r s0me0ne i l0ve.i fear n0t bec0ming s0mething 0ne day.i fear gr0wing up c0z i'm scared 0f dying.i fear being l0nely.i fear waking up and realising God ayn there...i guess y0u ayn human with0ut fear!
0h b0y,ALL OF THEM!!!
They are rum0urs,and i try n0t t0 entertain them :). boyfriend **...
Down To Earth :)