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Zac Burley


Ask me anything you like anonymously

244 Replies

What do you love the most?


Burley9999 replied 3776 days ago

Where do you want to live when you older?

California or somthing

Burley9999 replied 3778 days ago

Which friend would you take a bullet for?

any of my boys who deserve it

Burley9999 replied 3868 days ago



Burley9999 replied 3880 days ago

Lol people frontin like they're angels but dissing someone they think is lower than them. mother ****ers man, do you and you're good bruh. Be whoever the **** you want and do what makes you happy. **** these haters, dog. They jokes

Straight up like the f u c k they tryna prove

Burley9999 replied 3881 days ago

Unless your as* starts getting 90s and 100s in school ull still be a no life ez bud

Lol u prob dont even get90s

Burley9999 replied 3889 days ago

I dnt know what the **** smokin weed and being an idiot is gonna teach you but good luck

Yo lmao wtf are u even talkn about like who r u and why u sendin me ur low life advice

Burley9999 replied 3889 days ago

Bro qooh mes gay half the people u chill with are no lifes man up and grow some balls

Lmao i bet u sucsessful in life probably gota couple mill right? Youre so retarded youre telln me to man up nd grow some balls because of who i chill with, the way it seems is that youre the no life just because you said that.

Burley9999 replied 3891 days ago

Nobody wants to hangout with you stop posting a status every day about it

Oh really? Because ive been hanginout with ppl everyday stupid f u c k

Burley9999 replied 3899 days ago

Hottest grade 11 girls

List namess

Burley9999 replied 3908 days ago

Why so *exy


Burley9999 replied 3910 days ago

I don't understand why people use their last name a lot, why don't they just say mack or whoever it is, what do u think the reason for it?

People can have the same first name as someone else nd why does it really matter?

Burley9999 replied 3911 days ago

Why are you scared to fight sesto?

Im not lmao we talked and called it off stop assuming ****

Burley9999 replied 3917 days ago

Hottest niners

Not in order Tess v Cassidy o Claire l Lauyrn m Lena l Megan h Jordan k Marley d Taylor b

Burley9999 replied 3918 days ago

Funniest girls you know?
And best girl friends?/ girls u wna chill with more

Cant think of people rn & aurora is probably my best girl friend & there is lots of girls i wanna chill wit more

Burley9999 replied 3919 days ago