what sports do you like?
i love soccer
Whats ur sister's name
who's asking?
Hw many girls hav u dated??
am afraid there's only one girl I have dated. She is also my 'current'
Do u stil hv a crush on Alexis?nd wud u stil dat her,minus da history..
it dependz on hw my curent relationship is going
r u a virgin?
i dnt knw hw 2 answr dat question. Wat abwt u, r u a virgin?
wud u date me?
it dependz on whoz askin?
Do u think mide likes u?
i dnt think she lyks me, i knw she luvs me.(haters chew on that). U herd it here 1st
Have u and taysean eva kissed in class?
i think i knw which f**get is askin me this gay question. Infact this beyond gay, its a homo, f**getish, gay question. NO! I HAV NEVR KISSD A DUDE. Besides i already hav a HOT BABE.
Are u scared of leon ? (I kno i am)
y shud i b?
what is mide to you?
my ...(i hope you know what i mean)
are you single
no, I am triple
Do you wank frequently??
no. I dont wank at all.do u wank frequently?
do you have any gay friends?
not that i know of
Do u rap about crap and who is the founder of the extinct ?
i dont rap about crap everytime. The real founder of the extinct is leon t nyirenda
do you lyk hlezipe?
i dont think i really undrstand wat u r sayin
r u mentally ill?
if I told you that am afraid I would have to kill you
Who are you dating currently
I will only tell you if you tell me first
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
I am normal
Describe yourself in 3 words?
what's your question