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Chloe Hicks


Ask me anything you like anonymously

31 Replies

Thoughts btch t*** Sophie.jenkins

Eww wtf no. Jk. You are so funny and beautiful and have the best personality! Like you said, we always have a laugh in class especially last year when we got split in science haha. Our fights near the lockers would have gone viral if someone recorded it. We were so close last year but not as much as this year. Your an absolute babe and i was so glad to have you in my cabin this year because without you it would have been so boring. Btw i don't remember the names of our kids, i lost the sticky note haha. Loves ya xx

C.hicks01 replied 3357 days ago 1 1

Rates on looks and personality-

Vince B
Jordan B
Will S
Tristan D
Kye R
Flynn B

VB- 7/9 JB- 0 WS- 7/7 TD- 7/9 KR- 7/8 FB- 7/9

C.hicks01 replied 3357 days ago

Your most embarrassing moment ?

When I knocked me can of coke in red rooster against the wall and it went everywhere

C.hicks01 replied 3362 days ago

Top 3??


C.hicks01 replied 3389 days ago 1

How would your friends describe you?

Lel what friends?

C.hicks01 replied 3389 days ago 1

How many doors do you have at your house?

About 11?

C.hicks01 replied 3405 days ago

What is the most expensive thing you own ?

My bed

C.hicks01 replied 3438 days ago

Thoughts!! Xxx Hayyleyy

Hayley bby! Aylz! I miss you so much. You are pretty much my oldest friends and you are still one of my besets friends!! You are such a stunner and you are the queen at selfies! Your so beautiful and have an amazing personality!! We need to catch up soon. Love you <3 xxx

C.hicks01 replied 3439 days ago 1

Thoughts choe? XD xx rianM.

Ri Ri!! Love you so much. Your one of my best friends and you are so beautiful. You have an amazing voice and a very bubbly personality!

C.hicks01 replied 3445 days ago 1

Thoughts xx Oliviavolpe_

Absolutely stunning girl with a fabulous personality. Haven't met you yet but really hope to see you soon!

C.hicks01 replied 3445 days ago 1

Thoughts on
Sophie j
Michael B

Sophie J- one of my best friends and always understands me!! So beautiful Lizzy- love her!! Gives me brownies and is so nice and beautiful! Bestie Sam- love her!! So pretty and great to have a chat with!! One of my besties Rian- singing buddy! Absolutely stunning and has a great personality!! Love u! Holly- absolute stuuner! Great and netball and love you! Great to crack and joke with and a chat with! Will- good guy, great to have a chat with great person to have a laugh with! Flynn) don't really know him that well but awesome guy and great to have a chat with! Vince- great personality and great person!! So funny and I would like to get to know you more. Hayley- my baby!!! I am loving right now!!! We have gotten so close and I love you so much!!!! Great to have a chat with and a beautiful girl! Great at netball and one of my best friends. Michael b- don't know him that well but seems like a good personality and nice guy.

C.hicks01 replied 3451 days ago 4

What do you want most out of life?


C.hicks01 replied 3452 days ago

Top 3 year 8 boys?

Not sure, don't really have any..

C.hicks01 replied 3452 days ago 2

Best friends????

I have heaps of friends!

C.hicks01 replied 3452 days ago

Fav animal? Lizzy_143


C.hicks01 replied 3458 days ago