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Haha shz back nd badder than eva *megamind voice*
Oooh ati anonymous :P ryt! Yah nd i knw tht u knw tht i knw.. Miss him 2
Haha.. Umm ths is hard but I personally thnk vicki.. Gooseb*mps ertym :)
3 is too small a number,my frendz r too awsum to breakdown lyk dat :)
No. Am not that mysterious pipo
Answer wat? Ala whuz ths?! Nd young beta wtch out.. Grr..
It means "we have bn given" like as a gift 4rm God
Why yes,yes i am. I rili need that license!!lol
Bubbly,optimistic nd (way too) loud
Lol nah am single but i do hav a crush. Nd to my husband (u knw who u r) ur still #1
Hav u gone 2 to the doctor to check 4ur mental issues!! P.s i knw who ths is nd i knw where u work.. Be scared!
wen aunt shaii made me go sit in frnt of wit da form 1z coz i ws chosen as prefect nd they neva mentiond my name so i had 2 leave wit da frm 1z .cringe
im lykin u
coz im cul lyk dat :P