Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I actually do not at the moment I have an apartment in toronto, but I'm going back home to finish my second semester, then I'm headin back to the six
Havnt talked to her in a very long time so I don't have many but she's generally pretty nice and a solid person
Oh 4 sure who wouldn't like its Ben Fortin you don't just say no to Ben Fortin
I don't think anybody likes getting their dck socked that's just gotta hurt right?
Depends who "me" is but probably on some level. everyone deserves love
It's like the smiley face? XD? I thought it would be appropriate to illustrate how much of a joke I am. Hahaha...XD... Yea it was probably a mistake.
All girls are lovely :) I mean obviously I'm closer with some than others but they're all fab
Cats are awesome man like honestly 10/10
Dude Justin's sick he's my film class homie. Don't talk **** he's ballin
I do not, though Tess is awesome and a good friend and she's also dating clay and he's sick af
Message me
Idk I think it's a good time
It's ok I would too
Ask Hannah
Literally at any point in my life, if Emma Stone decided to leave Andrew Garfield and asked me to marry her, I would drop literally whatever I was doing, and live the rest of my days with Emma Stone. She is wonderful.
Ahh there it is.
Ducks everywhere thank you
I exist only to entertain
That may be the nicest thing anyone has said to me
World domination
Silky smooth baby
Seems like a solid guy, really chill, and funny af.
and god bless us everyone
Man you guys are imaginative. I've said it once, and I'll say it again, there are a whole lotta good lookin girls in grade 11, too many to name off, so I'm going to do this... I think "Your name here" is attractive, I think "Your close friend's name here" is pretty cute, and "A girl you don't really know but you think seems nice's name here" is foiiinnee as hell. Though for real I'm just messin I'm glad you're curious keep the questions comin. :)
Don't By Ed Sheeran or I Wanna Be Yours by the Arctic Monkeys fo sho. Though I just bought a bunch of new music (ikr who buys music these days) so idk maybe I'll find some new stuff.
Nah b I told you I don't like classifying people that's not my job. As far as I'm concerned, people just have different groups of friends and that's A okay. But regardless there are certain attractive individuals in each group of friends I must say.
I want a 4 page MLA report justifying this, and I wont accept it without a bibliography.
I've answered this already and the answer is still Mac Ross's flow
Fill in the blanks. Once upon a I night... there lived a dont who liked to have the while attention his span because For this I'm sorry. One day, like went you because put way to much work into this. Unfortunately, I couldn't do it and I'm sorry.
Hit my head off my ceiling again... does that count?
he's so *exy goddamn
At the moment I'm laying in bed with one of my cats. So yes. His name is Korky.
I find the majority of people are very likeable.
Mila Kunis. She totally ripped that movie idea off from me.
ok I'm actually gonna answer this one seriously. My dream is to wake up one day next to someone I love and be happy with what I've accomplished in life, and be able to feel like I've mad a difference for the better.
Not since the accident.
funniest. guy. ever.
Reece is a funny and nice individual who I am happy to call my friend. And I would hope most people have better things to do with their time than read these haha
I respect what they're doing and I have to admit some of their stuff's kinda catchy.
literally all the hot people I've seen in public and then proceeded to disappear forever
exiting the womb
I owe some people apologies but thats about it
nobody owes me anything
When they point out obvious stuff and wont shut the **** up
When they make me laugh or when they have a twisted sense of humour just like me.
When they wont leave you alone after you've told them you're not interested. Or like if i ever see anyone cat call anyone ever. Like if I'm driving and you yell at someone on the street i'm straight up kicking you out of the car and making you apologize.
My parents and cats are the only sure thing I'm aware of. plus cats are soft and purry.
If i knew it wouldn't really be stalking now would it. #goodstalkersdontgetcaught
We **** up a lot
is raining fire oh god chicken little was right
sean, jack, teddy, madi, myles, marshall, alex, ellie, paige, franke, owen. I know it's 11 but I thought of franke and owen at the same time, plus I got a 62 in math so like can you blame me?)
chuck those chucks homie
I heard a guy say "you're a disappointment"
Saw jesus bagging groceries. Small world huh?
and then I got pregnant and died. Listen to your teachers.
i think it's short for "question" but idk it could be like "quail" or something. "Quail me"... hmm I think I've just stumbled upon a billion dollar idea.
Happy holidays everyone
Ray WJ used to be my fave but like idk youtubes kinda gone down a bit for me, but I still watch a lot of college humour, majer crew, Thrasher, ERB, nigahiga, and a couple others.
ehhhhh how about that water amirite?
I DID! his name was charles I think and he was my friend from about ages 5 to 9. Then the drugs just took his life over...I couldn't look at him the same way.
Slippery ****ing stairs that I've fallen down like 7 times and it hurts like a mother****ing ***** every goddamn time **** me sideways its awful
Probably my room because it's in the attic and I can be angsty and teenagery without interruption
I've been snorkelling and I saw finding nemo at least 6 times does that count?
Ask Will Thibeault about twins he knows better than me
Everywheres an amusement park if you scream loud enough and throw your arms in the air. But seriously no I've been to disneyworld and six flags and a bunch of em its a great time.
this is a strange question to ask someone.
Set my rents up in a nice house in spain, and give them a vacation somewhere new every year, then I'd buy a loft in San Francisco and do everything ive ever wanted to do and just live ya know?
Something ninja/assassins creed esque
I'm gonna close my eyes and mash the keyboard and that'll be my super hero name. lwkruhgbp man
Definitely the power to control time.
First rule of politics club, don't talk about politics club.
I use the blood of my enemies
I have one comb that kinda disappears for extended periods of time and then I find it again.
One of them. Kinda. Idk harrington was where I grew up but its not really a town.
it doesnt really matter
Like 56798
Tash is one of my best friends and is a homie.
Nope squadmas was too important
From laughter because I'm so funny
I mean he's got dem abs and everything so like why not amirite?
Good guy ****ty goalie
Dave Franc for sure. Like he just seems hella chill
Mac Ross' flow