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I am very impatient.
Yeah and I whipped your as* during a pool game last nyt!
Very much single, not sure when.
I have also been gaven a chance but keep asking for it and someone who is also looking for a chance will give you one.
Nope, never but my neighbours chicken has laid an egg.
I have not realised that fb girls are falling? How tragic! I will call the paramedics when I see them fall. Thanks for the alert.
But that's not a question?
Nope we can't but since u are a charming lady you will get someone who will take u out.
If she has my qualities why not?
Bilivit Maroga
I think I was about 17 when I first had my first taste of Redds Premium Cold!
Thanks. I always say fb does not describe me, judge me a your own peril and see if I care.
My position on *ex is that it is good when u do it with someone u love.
No we can't because you are anonymous more like a ghost.
Just because u like me and think that I am a flirt does not mean that every girl on fb think like that. And they all are just friends!
Yes I do her name is Rethabile.
No one! I enjoy sleeping alone without anyone waking me in the middle of the night wanting that one more round!
She might have curves but with rotten morals so it is more than just physical looks for me.
I am addicted to Coke
#taking a sip#
I am not sure if I do, let's ask her. Baby do I scream when we make love?
I will build a mall at Ga-Phaahla and name it KGOSI MOTSATSI MALL! Take the remaining and help all the young people to get to varsity and build houses for the poor!
Hahaha well money is a pretty paper but it should not stop us from living.
As soon as we are both ready.
I have an elder brother and sister.
O nna ko ga gae and unfortunately u can't find me.
I will you after I break my virginity upto so far I have not had *ex.
Yes I do and I am tempeted to tell you but I'll let you figure that out.
No keya kosheng.
Who are you mara? We were just good friends!
Naa o shwashwi? I moved on and she did the same.
Shame askies I am not available.
Hahahahahahaha wa phapha tjerrrr!
Yes I did.
My late father, he has inspired me in a lot of ways.
As far as I can, helping people makes me happy.
She is a special friend and her name is Nteballeng not that girl!
Lmao! I actually want one myself!
Love? Thats a strong word. You must be lucky that I told u that I don't just say that word.
Where did u read that? Daily Sun? Sunday sun?
Because that is just a wild lie as I have never met any of the two u mentioned!
Lmao kae? Eh wa borega yyee?
I cry when I am hurt or when a person yells at me.
Weak - extremley impatient!
Strong - I am a God fearing man.
Lmao! Now that what we call a rumour because I am a virgin.
Do u have a tape? Come measure it urself!
Hahaha yes I do and I think she knws.
A confindant woman with selfrespect.
I'd chop her to pieces with an ex! Lol I am joking. A God fearing woman won't cheat on me so I'd definately leave her!
A GOD fearing woman who will respect me. I hate women who swear a lot or talk without respect!
Are you a journo?
Let's just say I am not available.
Who is that?
I used to but it brouhgt me HELL so no more!
I am dating a very amazing lady.
Cool, real and friendly.
That I am a player. . I am actually a lil saint!