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Canacia Griffiths


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28 Replies

What makes your mom awesome?


CaNaCiAgRiFfItHs replied 4142 days ago

Iphone vs Android and reason for your choice?

iPhones are easier to use

CaNaCiAgRiFfItHs replied 4153 days ago

One thing that the world does not know about you?

Uhm the world doesn't know it about me for a reason!

CaNaCiAgRiFfItHs replied 4160 days ago

Name 3 people you trust?

Aimy Mum Family <3

CaNaCiAgRiFfItHs replied 4163 days ago

Top 3 songs on your current music playlist?

Wings When I was your man Same love

CaNaCiAgRiFfItHs replied 4164 days ago

Something you wish to have but cant afford?


CaNaCiAgRiFfItHs replied 4173 days ago

Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else?

Hell yeah

CaNaCiAgRiFfItHs replied 4174 days ago

Omg you take your tbhs so srs! you write notes and crap and do them so perfesinal well try and be

If u have a problem With my tbhs don't like the status :) thanks x

CaNaCiAgRiFfItHs replied 4177 days ago

Your so feral eeeeeewwww

Thank you xxx

CaNaCiAgRiFfItHs replied 4177 days ago

Right when I needed you most, right when I was done with everything, we had to be fighting :(

I'm 95% sure. I know whoi this is and if it is..... I needed you too.....I HATE fighting with you.... I Would love to become close with you again like we used to be and only fight once in like a. Blue moon, could tell u anything, sown like everyday after school together doing pointless, stupid, childish crap..... I really miss it and I REALLY REALLY MISS YOU XXXXX please inbox me ASAP if you want to fix this if not then so be it!!

CaNaCiAgRiFfItHs replied 4177 days ago 1

Hottest song right now according to you?

I actually have no clue

CaNaCiAgRiFfItHs replied 4177 days ago

Worst Mistake You ' ve ever Made ?


CaNaCiAgRiFfItHs replied 4183 days ago

Tbh me? Xx brittney.jade


CaNaCiAgRiFfItHs replied 4183 days ago

Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?

U tell me

CaNaCiAgRiFfItHs replied 4186 days ago

Have you ever been friendzoned?

What's dat sposed to mean

CaNaCiAgRiFfItHs replied 4186 days ago