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Mmmmmmmh, m insanely inlove with ma "ugly bf" da ugliness u see is what made me fall head ova hillz inlove with him. C, I love makwerekwere coz m actualy one maclf. I wouldn't leave him 4 u at any cost. Take a chill pill hey.
Wel, maclf nd ma "so called bf" don't fink we'r al dat at al. We juz enjoyin ourselvez nd unashamed of xpressin nd pledgin our love, we actualy doin it coz we feel da fire burning. Da only foolin i c here iz "U". Get used to it nd perhapz get ur own gal.
Wel, when it ***z 2 ma \'\'so cold bf\'\' as u put it. It takez a lot 4 a guy 2 be open 2 da world bwt hiz feelingz nd i believe itz love coz if it wer lust it wld\'ve worn off by now. Since itz growin strong by each pazzin day itz beyond love dear.
Dat m ceeing a fwnd bt itz silly...
Mmmmh,must i ansa dat realy?
*exy, intelligent and corrupt.