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Cayden Sayle


k thx.

19 Replies

What do you want right now ?


Caayden replied 3290 days ago

How do you deal with a break up ?


Caayden replied 3293 days ago

Thoughts about Game of thrones season 5 finale ?

Don't even watch it :(

Caayden replied 3297 days ago

How do you deal with someone with bad breath?

I don't.. I put up with it because I feel it's rude to mention it.

Caayden replied 3300 days ago

****ing wombat

Oh yeah, sounds pretty interesting.

Caayden replied 3304 days ago 1

If your bank account had a mood ,what mood would it be in right now?

Don't even have one :(

Caayden replied 3308 days ago

If you could choose any of your friends to be your servant for a day, who would you choose and what would you make them do?

Prolly Jadyen, and i'd make him sit there and do nothing, BC that's worse than working.

Caayden replied 3311 days ago 1

What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?


Caayden replied 3313 days ago

thoughts on tenesha?

I think I'm on good terms with Tenesha... Not exactly sure bc I don't really talk to her that much but she is really nice to me at least and very quiet and smart.... Not sure what else to say because I don't really talk to her that much L:

Caayden replied 3314 days ago

If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?


Caayden replied 3315 days ago

Who was the last person to break your heart ?


Caayden replied 3318 days ago

Who was your first crush ?

Not even sure if i can remember.

Caayden replied 3319 days ago

Thoughts mate ella_rothwell

Whelp, Ella i'm tired but i'm doing this anyway... everyone else got long thoughts so, so do you ;) But nah to start of recently we have become really good friends it's a trend with the Grieve lads aye? but no you are really funny you can always lighten the mood and that's what i love about you, you and Mitch are really cute aye ;) ;) but i hope we get even closer in the months to come, stay fresh homes ;) <3

Caayden replied 3320 days ago 2

You should probs do my thoughts ;) hannahgrant1

Jesus Christ, well well you are one of my favorites ever, I feel like being really annoying and not putting capitals in this but I will ;), Well where do i start? As of a few months ago i really came out of my shell and told you how I felt and to my amazement you took pretty well to it, we have become really close over the last few months and it's made me like the happiest person, you are beautiful... in every way, smart and funny too.. Not always smart but in a good way, I couldn't of going through a day without you, lots of love ofc ;) ;) xxxx And you put up with my horrible stories ahaha

Caayden replied 3321 days ago 3

thoughts cayden???? madieee

hmmm. Madie i don't really know you that well because we only have exchanges every now and then, and most of the time you seem pretty pissed at me for some reason, but nah as far as i know your a really great girl, smart and funny i do hope we can talk more soon!

Caayden replied 3321 days ago 2