Chuck norris or van dam who kicked more a**
Chuck Norris could start a fire with 2
rnice cubes... If that aint bad as* i dnt knw wat is.lol
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
'Hyden aint zambian.' wel i am zambian,,, i greatly blame my British accent 4 that rumour.lol
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Wud u date a sum1 in high school who is 16?
Hell no!! PRISON-MEN-SOAP thats a recipe for disaster n am tryin 2 go thru life witout xpriencin dat. 18+ only.
My love i miss u Kaizly
My future ex girlfrnd(**,) seems lyk 4eva eh n u only 20mins away, we nid ta link up. P.s u stil owe me a movie(yes i stil rememba)
What was your favryt cartoon growing up?
ROGER RAMGET the dude who used ta pop proton pills(jus between u n me thoz wer ilegal drugs). Classic cartoon
I usually see you arnd and i once said hi to you and you just passed by. U look like an ok fun guy so why did u do that? Or maybe u just an ***hole who ignores people because you rich or sumthng.
Lol! dats sad i prolly had my headsets on or u wernt clear, eitha way i wud hv replied. Ur perception of me is slightly wrng
Where do u stay?
Nipa/rhodes park. Am kinda in between