Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I actually have 2 dogs, but I would name them something like, male he would be Fin
Female she would be Zoey or Emma
And should we care
She's a friend
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh idk
Getting a pentakill in overwatch?
Ate my food
Oi the cat wasn't apart of our deal
She's cool
Not studying for exams in term 2
Love doesn't exist, something will happen someday then it wouldn't be relevant because she lies? it tough me to get to know someone
He beats me up when I make fun of him????
She is my best friend*
You are the most stupidest person I've ever met
She is my best friend, no?
Lol I only know one Phillip a
She's cool, a really good friend of mine
Lol Nicky
You are scaring my family, even tho you are my family
I don't know who Karen Sykes is
She is an amazing friend, who always doubts herself when I know she is the best
I am not sensitive
Lil sister?
Yes, I am also hoping to go to Kes
I'm guessing you are talking about Duminy, yea I can understand him hating me because I am annoying af
The one person I don't want to lose in my life ever, I miss my chats with her?
I believe in everyone who is this?!
The best sister in the world??
Love you sun? I hope you are sun??
Video games, I am the king?
Ey ok?calm down
Stop asking these questions Nicole??
Nicole (kinda)
Allison (kinda)
Lol idk
Sarah Foxcroft (best big sis)
Shay Morrison (twin)
Phillipa victor (big sis)
Anna (little sis)
(I swear I have more but that's all I can remember)
Tbh I don't know
Howdy, who are you?
Dm me
Be myself
Because I am
Bots? great also Hell No
Already answered + a few more
Stop???????? K
Someone, but she doesn't notice me so I should stop........ but she is so amazing?
Shout at my computer for lagging
Others I forget?
The perfect which I will find sooner or later?
No one likes me?
Well I don't know who you are but I like no one? I'm still searching for my perfect?
I'm 100% fake....I mean meow
As a sister, HELL YES, in the way you are asking, no
R1.2k, PS4 remote?
Mint chocolate?
Ya, actually quite a few?
Not yet, still searching?