Have you ever been in a situation where you and a friend really had to pee outdoors, but struggled to get away from the guys you were with?
Heard you're back together with Nigel?
When is the wedding?
Why do you think people hate you
Cause I got no filter ..I say what I want?
What size is your bra
Bigger than your mother's
Why do you btch around
Why do you care
What happened between you and Nigel?
sht happened
Nei wakanimakisa mutown nezuro
Nei uine dzungu sterek
Nei usina?
How are you feeling about the breakup?
fck off
Hey there Headgurl?
Relationship status?
How long have you been dating Nigel?
We broke up
But it was Year 3??
Would you believed if a someone just told you your boyfriend is cheating on you? Jackson.K.N
They should come with evidence?
Your boyfriend is a cheat
And so is your Dad sha?
Would you want Nigel back?
What do you think?
Are you a virgin?
Is your mom a virgin??
You're pretty?
You're prettier?
Why did you break up with Nigel?you were my power couple?
Slide in
Hindava une dzungu?????? I m a fan thou
I know this is Tinashe or Tawana??
But wani ndati kwana?
You're enough repeat after me???
What's your take on makeup??
You have to be the head girl???
You are a very good friend
Thank you anonymous??
Happy Veryyyy Early Birthday ?
Thank you sooooo muchhh?????????
Well done?
How do you mean?
What is the smartest thing you've ever done?
You're a player
And your mom
Have you ever been in a situation where you and a friend couldn't pee somewhere because boys could hear?
No I haven't
Who is the most famous person you have met?
Isn't Tinashe your underground mans?
He's my Best friend??
Who is your current crush?
I'm content with my boyfriend?
What do you regret doing?
Nothing really
I live for the moment
#No Regrets?
If that is a mood?
Who do you regret dating?
Nobody?Cause at some point they were what really mattered the most to me so yeah??
Why do you btch around?
Why do you care?
What happened between you and Craig??
Eeeh shamari?????
Your squad?
What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?
Ask for food?
Wakambopenga kasi ?
?ndakapengeswa newe
Do you know DK???
Of course I do?????
First boy you ever had a crush on ?
I don't remember ?
Have you ever been in a situation where you and a friend couldn't pee somewhere because boys could hear?
No I haven't
wld u lyk t cee me
No thanks ?I don't know you
Who is your favourite ex
I don't have a favorite ex??that's why we're exs
Who is your favourite male friend
Well I know who you are?but you're my favorite male friend Tinashe???
What is the worst decision you ever made?
Falling for someone
This is not a question but a tip: You can put your qooh.me link on your 24hr whatsapp status to get more questions.
Who'd you kill to kiss?
You mitch? whoever your are??
Chocolate or Caramel?
You still a thing with Craig?
Ice cream or Frozen yoghurt?
FroYo babe❤❤❤
Who is your best friend ?
Well two of them Ashley & Thabiso❤❤❤
Do you drink?
Coffee yess???
What did you like about your ex?
Nothing that's why he's my ex
Are you dating Nigel?
I know you???silly