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Caitlynne Perks


Fire Away ♥

463 Replies


This isnt even a question.

Caitie13 replied 4176 days ago

I'm actually gonna delete you off of bbm now cuz you're a nasty person P.s this is not me I didn't write ths ;-shh BBC :P

Big Black Cat ;) stop saying it on titface. Just talk to me on bbm lol or whatsapp then. You drama queen.

Caitie13 replied 4176 days ago

Its fine...forever alone? Don't talk to me anymore 3-| I hate fat peoples baby toes D':

You see :| who says that? Go spread you hate somewhere else loner. ;)

Caitie13 replied 4176 days ago

Oh my MOOBS DUCKY!!!!! I want you babies :| rate you tell me your bbm pin ;) oh wait I'm to awesome i Already have it (=| yeas she's mine!!!all you f**ks stay away k;) xx

Everyone does 8) . Lmao your forever alone /:

Caitie13 replied 4176 days ago

Bbm pin?


Caitie13 replied 4176 days ago

Bbm pin?


Caitie13 replied 4176 days ago

Caity , my girl <3
Your amazing :')
-Jade xxxxx Aesthetic.Jade

JadeyFace <3
Thank you dar\'ling.
See you soon, stunner x

Caitie13 replied 4176 days ago

Who do you like? :P

Single x

Caitie13 replied 4193 days ago

So who you loving these days? If there is any guy (:

Keaton :$

Caitie13 replied 4209 days ago

#SiNgforEver. LegiTkid. ThE coOlest CaiTie peRks not forgetting Courtney Phillips. ? Who do u LOVE more
. Moloko oR Moloko

Must knowww :D!! Legitkid ;) _ damn this is a hard question ey . Imma go with Moloko. Long time no see ♥

Caitie13 replied 4209 days ago 1

Miss my Catie Kat;) Guess who °̩ am xxxx
We need to meet up again :-)
How about the Holidays :)

Hmm who calls me Caitie Kat ? Probably mikaaaaa ;;) ? Lol bbm me & we\'ll make plans but yeah April babbeehh ♥

Caitie13 replied 4209 days ago

How's 2013 treating you :)

Been pretty good. Can\'t complain :)

Caitie13 replied 4209 days ago

Would u ever date a black guy?? cuz I would like you to be mine.

Yeah fo\'sure ey.
Spots been taken ey :$ x

Caitie13 replied 4209 days ago

Merry christmas F.TM...and have a kill£r New Year :)

Thank bud. You too x

Caitie13 replied 4284 days ago

Nice eyes, cute face, your the full package, wonder if I will manage ;) you single? Well I am nd wouldn't mind u as mine .. ;;)

:D_ ahh! Cute. Bbm meh maybeh?

Caitie13 replied 4284 days ago