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Caity Dwyer

Play it cool yeh? x

600 Replies

What do you have no time for?

People replied 3056 days ago

Shannon keogh?

Was always a gorgeous girl and always got along, friendships change and I'm not gonna hold grudges against anyone she'll always be a lovely girl replied 3056 days ago

Hayley Lewis?

Even though we aren't really friends anymore I miss her like crazy and I love her dearly. Will always treasure the memories we made. replied 3057 days ago 1

What is the worst trend you participated in?

Chokers and gothic eyeliner ???? replied 3060 days ago

What's the one moment in your life you wish was recorded?

I was training this horse and he reared and flipped back, would have been a ripper on record replied 3082 days ago

When was the last time you got angry and why?

This morning I kicked my toe :-) replied 3099 days ago

Last song you played before replying to this ?

Scars - James Bay replied 3120 days ago

What are you terrible at ?

Mainly socialising and school :-) replied 3125 days ago 1

What got you upset recently?

Alexa dropped in the bowl and fell off the scooter it was emotional replied 3131 days ago

Which song describes your mood today ?

"Shut up just shut up shut up" replied 3135 days ago

lol why tf are you hangin around all them people like aimee and clare and all them. hahahahahaha

HAHAHAHAHAHA why the fck do you care? Got a problem? 98.9% you're probably just jealous you have no friends of your own. good luck with life xo replied 3135 days ago 1

What are you currently worried about ?

No worries :-) replied 3139 days ago

Sort of rude how you are friends with hayley lucford and having a thing with her recent ex boyfriend of one year

To be honest I wouldn't say I'm friends with Hayley Luxford I haven't even met her but I am very nice to her. I think it would be way way more rude to be a btch so I don't know what your problem is (-: replied 3140 days ago

Someone you thought you could trust?

Never really lost trust in anyone because I only trust people in close to. replied 3147 days ago

How would your friends describe you?

Psycho, short and I occasionally get put on the nice list (: replied 3150 days ago