What is your nickname?
Caity or Catie
How long would you like to live for?
Until I have fufilled all my dreams.
Thoughts on Kia McNeill?
People are always so quick to judge her. Little do people know that she is thee kindest person you will ever meet! And she's a great friend to me. One of my best friends who always has my back.
What is success to you?
Eternal happiness.
How are you and shawn going?
The worst thing that happend to you this week?
My bowling.
What size boo*s?
I'm going to assume this is books. So as long as it's good I don't mind :)
Obviously I love you. Even when you ignore me.
Who would you take a bullet for?
Anyone really.
How was your first kiss like ?
It was actually nice :)
Who do you miss right now?
My grandad. :(
He will get angry or jelous probably and yell at me
Then inbox me?
Why are you afraid to tell him who you are?
I dont know if we can be friends if i like you. Ill try to do things :(
This is Shawn isn't it
do you like anyone?
Getting tired of this.
I dont see you anymore :( i had feelings for you but never told you and now we dont talk anymore :(
Well you can inbox me & we can be friends :)
What is your favorite piece of clothing?
My pj's.
I find you really attractive
Okay Shawn
Are you happy you met Shawn? If so why?
Well If I hadn't meet him I wouldn't be in this relationship.
I think you and Shawn should have baby's
I think you should go back to school and improve your plurals.
Your father's name?
Nigel :)
Your source of happiness?
Tv shows, chocolate & redecorating.
Do you like anyone at the moment?
This is a stupid question
Are you still happy with Shawn? Do you see a future with kids with him?
Get your nose out of my relationship. Thank you
Why are you dating Shawn? He's an as* to you
Sometimes. But isn't everyone some days?
How much is enough money for you?
Wouldn't you like to know
The greatest moment in your life ?
A few. Passing my p's. Passing year 12. Getting into Uni. Making my family proud.
People need to learn to mind their own business and stay out of relationships. Love you xx kiaalive
Thank you so much. Love you!
Do you think Shawn is gay?
Why are you even with Shawn? You could do so much better. Just saying
Who is this?
Who is your crush? Dont be shy
Is it still a crush if your with them?
A song they should play at your funeral?
Summer Rain - Slinkee Minx
What would you like to ask God?
If he really does hate the gays.
Who is your favourite guy to talk too?
My dad.
Isn't it a dog act that your talking to chris behide your so called "best friends" back!!
I didn't realise it was bad. And I have apologised. If I had known it was so "dog" I would have told her. But Anon you could have inboxed me instead of telling me off behind a screen.
What is your honest opinion of Shawn?
He is amazing
Do you see a future with Shawn?
Do you hate Tara Johns, or just don't understand why people bring her up when she isn't even involved? I don't personally know you, but just your comment on Kia's account made me wonder.
I do not hate Tara. & I know exactly why she gets brought up. The fact you call her Kia makes me think you know her. Well. So perhaps you should leave your "wondering" off social networks and butt out of their relationship.
Are you ever worried your bf would cheat on you?
No. Are you?
I love you
Thank you anon
A person you never want to talk to again?
So many.
Do you love shawn?
Of course I love Shawn
Dont know
Whatever Shawn :@
Work it out for yourself
How long did your last call last?
39 secs
Spit or swallow ?
Spitting is disgusting
What is missing in your life?
Money & a house with a pool.
i like you alot. will you go out with me pleaseeeee?
Got a boyfriend.
i love you. You are perfect
Whoever is saying mean **** about catie and shawns relationship, shut the **** up and stay out of it. relationships are between two people, so go back to your pathetic life and leave catie and shawn to be happy. KatieDredge
Thank you so much x
i wouldn't even wanna say this to your face
Who are you thinking about as you answer this?
This question is strange.
Nah but seriously you come across as a **** girlfriend to shawn. i see yous at lunchtime and it looks like you want nothing to do with him.
So your passing judgment on assumptions? Really mature. You can't even say this to my face.
I'll punch these nasty people/person in the face.
I still love you. Forget them. Mwah! X
Thank you x
wanna do a boston pancake with me
I don't know what that is?
shawn is nice to you and you are mean to my shawny warny
you should treat shawn alot better
Why do you treat shawn so badly? He has done nothing but be so nice to you. You need to start putting him first rather than your friends all the time.
Didn't realise hanging out with my friends meant that I treated him badly. Because I don't want to consistently hang out with him means I treat him badly guess I misunderstood what badly actually means.
I think you are really cute ;)
Why are you dating your boyfriend? Hes not even that good looking or nice?
I find him attractive & he is nice to me usually.
3 things that attracts you to a person?
- Funny
- Sweet
- Cute
Last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doing great untill I ran out of stars
Thank you Shawn :)
Well im your worst nightmare xo
You're Shawn :)
You dont know who i am so how do you know i lie all the time?
I'm just assuming. :)
You are the most beautiful girl in the world and i love you xo
You're a liar :)
Gave in*
But gee am I that predictable! Hahahah yes it's me :)
Totes knew :)
What are your thoughts on shawn harris?
Well he is perfect. I love him :)
Finally you have in hey? Hahaha