3 things about amy
I don't know amy..
Do u jerk off?
No I don't
A$$ or tities?
boo*s rather
What is your favourite slang word ?
fck you
Same to the d.n who sent this...
Would you rather kiss a rat or kiss cockroach?
I'd rather die
Whats your deepest fear?? Jodyjulies
Loosing my humanity, and spiders :0
Are you a Virgin
Yes. Why?
Best pick up line??
Girl is that a cellphone at the back of you, because I think that A$$ is calling me
Nina. Jody Julies and Alia abader, don't judge it's my choice
I need a nickname for you...? kidd_torii
Cake lips, it's like right there
Yorh... that Victoria girl is awesome as hell neh??
Who are you?
Favourite youtuber??
Fousy tube
Are you gay?
Mxm, go play in the sand
Will u fck your grandpa?
Who are you?
Have you ever had a crush on your friends mom?
Can you control your mind?
How did your "crazy ex" become your "crazy ex"?
What I didn't know is that my crazy ex was actually crazy. So I dropped her...
Would you fck your sister
Would you fck you mommy?
Whats would your goal be in life? Jodyjulies
To be happy and successful
Will u go out with nina
Will you get a life
3 words to describe nina
Short, funny and pretty plus straight forward
Can you twerk?
Are you versin XD
Are you a laaitie?
Go to sleep
R u coming to the interfaith camp , and if u are ,bring condoms
I'll bring. But I might bring choice or lovers plus condoms :D
Why cakelips???
Don't know, felt like putting it there
What was your first cellphone ?
Plastic cell phone toys
What bad habits do you want to break?
Who was the last person to call you?
My sister duh
What is your purpose in life?
Don't know yet. That's why I'm here to find out