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My name is Callen


on an eHarmony date with destiny.

278 Replies

What are you tired of seeing on social networks?

Instinct and Mystic.

CallenApparently replied 2914 days ago

What is something very few people know about you?

I got lost in the woods for like 7 hours when I was in scouts, found my way back and no one even realised I was missing. Good times

CallenApparently replied 2927 days ago

Which was the best year of your life so far, and why?

2016 is doing pretty dope rn even though I started it was a truck running me off the road at 110 km/s

CallenApparently replied 2955 days ago

How did YOU get HER, i dont believe it. She is actually attractive i think. Good job broseff

I bought some love magic of an old wizard, at least he said he was a wizard.... and he said I bought magic.

CallenApparently replied 2961 days ago

What is good in your life right now?

In a relationship with someone I'm in love with, no longer living at home. + Game of thrones is back and I watched Captain America: Civil War last night

CallenApparently replied 2990 days ago

What or who are you obsessed with right now?

Rocket League. Mmmhmmm

CallenApparently replied 3003 days ago

Do you have a small package because you never have any girls

Im in a relationship tho?

CallenApparently replied 3005 days ago

What is something that people might not like about you?

Im very rarely a serious person.

CallenApparently replied 3006 days ago

What was your first relationship like?

Hahaha, like the Dready Machetes NAW debut, underwhelming and disappointing.

CallenApparently replied 3049 days ago

Is there any question you can't turn into a wrestling plug?

Find out tomorrow night in Albion at the Live Pro-Wrestling presented by NAW, New Age Wrestling

CallenApparently replied 3053 days ago

Why aren't you famous?

I get free food because of my spot on NAWs last show. I am famous.

CallenApparently replied 3053 days ago

What's the worst decision you've ever made?

Haha too many, far too many.

CallenApparently replied 3054 days ago

How are you today?

I'm freaking out and panicking, thanks.

CallenApparently replied 3055 days ago

What do you have no time for?

Those who Whip and Nae Nae seriously.

CallenApparently replied 3060 days ago

So like you actually do? Would you ever like wrestle me? Because I'd really like that *blushing*

Yes, I actually train for pro wrestling. If you are training then come down to train with me.

CallenApparently replied 3061 days ago