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12 Replies

You down graded ; you had a hotty now you got an notty

Excuse me ? fck you , leane is beautiful and you clearly a slag or a fckboy because it's not all about the looks ?

Callum_FBTC replied 2730 days ago

Everyone just realised you the guy sending mean qooh.mes to your girlfriends and making them stress ? but you forgot to hide your name so it failed ??

Um hello there dumbass that specific qooh me was a joke from me to leane but she Answered it accidentally ❤️❤️May you now be happy next time just ask

Callum_FBTC replied 2730 days ago

You have a new girl but you still all about skyler ? you pathetic . The stuff you put on your watsapp stories ;

Sometimes you just never get over some people ?

Callum_FBTC replied 2730 days ago

You tried making Leane jealous by sending her a ?? and then you forgot to hide your name ?? ive never seen anyone so stupid in S-A ?

Well if you knew it was a joke between her and I but then she answers the thing so next time ask ?

Callum_FBTC replied 2730 days ago

Why you post so many pics of you you so vain ?

Well it is instagram hunny and I'm not vain I'm proud of what I look like ?

Callum_FBTC replied 2733 days ago

fck you

Nah I have standards ?

Callum_FBTC replied 2733 days ago

You are so cute ❤️

Dm me

Callum_FBTC replied 2733 days ago 1

Who the most amazing person rn


Callum_FBTC replied 2733 days ago 1

Why you going for a fck girl ?She's not worth it she's just gona cheat on you like what she did to choice but I'm warning you she's bad news

Okay well for you to type this message you are fcking stupid 1)leane hasn't even dated in forever so how could she be a fck girl
2) you're bored with ur life so you feel like you need to fck up others because ur life is so sad

Callum_FBTC replied 2733 days ago 1

You and leane dating is so cute ???

We not dating ?Just vibing and I know this is jenna

Callum_FBTC replied 2733 days ago

Skyler was so hot how could you get her and then let her go

Well hello there I didn't let her go she ended things buddy not me

Callum_FBTC replied 2733 days ago 1

Who was your first crush ?


Callum_FBTC replied 2739 days ago