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Can Serpinli



219 Replies

The biggest mistake you made in your life?

Putting everything into one person then they just leave and it's like wtf I have nothing :(

CanSerpinli replied 3765 days ago

How long would you like to live for?

until a certain somebody dies a very horrific death. then ill be happy would wait until it is my time

CanSerpinli replied 3794 days ago

Y h8 the mduonger

"Mduonger"? Please jump off a cliff and do a flip

CanSerpinli replied 3795 days ago

What turns you off in a girl/guy ?

when a girl smokes and or is up herself like ***** you aint sshietttttttt sit down

CanSerpinli replied 3795 days ago

If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?


CanSerpinli replied 3806 days ago

What happened between u and Jess

why does that matter? just the usual "end of a friendship" thing. you dont need to know

CanSerpinli replied 3808 days ago


you are actually so annoying, legit hate you

CanSerpinli replied 3808 days ago

How awesome are you on a scale of 1 to 10?

like 900

CanSerpinli replied 3808 days ago

Miss anybody now?


CanSerpinli replied 3815 days ago

Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?

SPOILER JOEFFRY DIED COUGH COUGH Uhm j think itll be Uncle Jimmy Jack Jericho, the one with the Glass eye

CanSerpinli replied 3815 days ago

Hi Gokce here Gokce

Hello Can here

CanSerpinli replied 3817 days ago

The worst thing that happend to you this week?

I saw a bird. It was pretty. That is all.

CanSerpinli replied 3818 days ago

The most boring person you know?

Depends on the weather

CanSerpinli replied 3822 days ago

alright serious question.

rounded to the nearest tonne, approximately how heavy do you bench? #gains #wow Aaron3.14159265358979323846264

Nearest tonne? Hmm 874 mega-tonnes #TryingToGoHeavier

CanSerpinli replied 3826 days ago

How does it feel that Jess has brad now? U burning orrrr

No? Why should I be? And I don't really care, but good I guess? Whatever makes her happy

CanSerpinli replied 3826 days ago