Ay*:p panda jst wanted 2 say ur awesome *and miss u *enjoy the rest of ur day love u *
Hay Panda !!* hehee thanks soo muCh* love you lotssssss Enjoy everythingg* :p * and Go BIG* x MwAzzz
Which one of your guy friends would you say gives the best advice
Uhmm** Paolo & Kyle steenkamp*
You make me soo horney
I ddn\'t wanna know that
Who's the freshest owe you know ??
Hahaha* uHMM danna
Hayy carmii its eidanny ,, stay awsum u amazing girl don't listen to what other people say cause its not true * Xx Love you X
Thanks soo muCh Eidan* x love you lots tnx* means alottttsssooo* x hehe (hug)) enjoy ur day* u amaZingGa xx
Hi mAmenn :) Ignore al die kak wat die mense van juw se jys 1 kick as* stuki mens & hule weet jys bete as hule dis hoekm hule juw ythaal xx Enjoy juw vakanc love u bud x (Jandri)
Mandriii !!*hehehe dankiee* x (hug) love you lots Mandrii* dankieee jys amazing en bly altyd sos jy is* xx Love you too the moon and bAck ...* hehehe Ps. ((Soo glad you came))* x
Would u do Marco Pretorius? Becaus I would (;
Hehhe noo man he\'s mt step bro*
How was your first kiss se*y?
Hehehe really romantic
Why do always have to take girls guys, can't you get your own?
Haha* listen* I get my own thanks hay* and heRe\'s some advice* stop being jealous* mayb then you\'d get somewhre in life* and try saying these things in my face and not hiding and asking over Qoohme
Carmen people look at you as if they are looking at a prostitute :/
Listen* they can look @ me like they want* they don\'t have an effect on me* coz my real friends treat me with respect* MWA* xx hehehee Enjoy ur dAy*
Who was ur first kiss?
I could imagine Your as* in a Thong....Tap Dat
Siff !!
The Bucket List never forget!
Yesss !!!* neva
I want take you from behind and Rock your world
I want you to get on your Knees and s*ck it like a Loli pop and s*ck it dry!
Hahahahha !!* Siffff
Would you date Mj?
* no he\'s m bro
Heyaaa carmiii * stay Kѡℓ sister love уσυ lots :).
Thanks KilOss !!* x love you lotS my brotheR !! X stay amZing* Kyleee* x
I will go all the way with you___ :P Sean111
When I play with myself I think of you
Good to know!!* hehehe
Carmziii!!* ;P u must choos mooi with thee guys neh :x lovies u so much my sista!!* :D nd why are u pregnant for so long nd not even fat yet?!* -_- o my golie gosh,,* XxX**
Ane !!!!!!!!* x hehehehehehehehhe* I am fAt* xX you muSt jst look* LOL and you ??* why you so pregnant and you not fAt !?* x
But if you must know look at the message after my first one and you'll get it:D and hopefully you'll laugh
Witch one ?*
Of course I won't tell you who I am that's the whole point of saying that ;P
Hehehehehheee Okay* x
Have you ever had a lesbo moment and if so what was it ;D
Hahahhahaha* No tnx* I dn\'t go 4 my own Gender !* loL
Have you ever been out with a saints boy?
Yes* x
Would you date me ;P cause I'd date you
Yirr !* you knw* it would kinda help If I knEw who you were*
Hεч Tattoo Maatjie :D......stay AWEsomeee....luv u!!*
Awhh Tattoooo Maaitjiiee !!*xx miss you* & love u stay amazing* x mwa
Did you ever like Austin
Hehhe Neva *
Ma jyt dan sulke leka badproppe vir nipples?! Hoe kan ek nee se vir sulke leka tiete soos june?
Hahahahahahahha !!!* The way I jst laughed my as* OFF !!!* LOL* hehehee plss * the closeset you\\\'d eva get to touch my boo*s are by dreaming !* Soo keep wishing PERV and go plAy with yourself
Have you ever gotton fingered and by who?
Hehehe Noo* x
Heyyyyy Carmmiiiiiiii dis seaniiiiii bja lief vijuwww en bly awesooommeeee ;) misssssss uuuuu susss
Seaniiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!*xx OMF !!! Missss you soooooo Flippen Much ! DAMN * lovE you sooo muCh my boetii* xx Mwa
What grade guys do you prefer to go out with on a relationg ship level
9 & 10* xx
Both :) (buda) !!! * xx lov ya awsome se*y carmen:D u epic little Bit**:D
Hehehehe Thanks Buda* xx I love you* :)
Eyyy * I LiKe U liKe SoOoO mUcH _*xoxox
Hay* xx hehe Sweeet* x tnx so much
Who ur top 5 best bro s and ur top five best guy friends
Best bro\'s ?... Kyle Steenkamp , Marco , sean * best guy friends * Kyle R , Paolo , juliano , Samma & Ben
Carmen... Hey girl its Buda:D ! Just tell me quick .. Why are you sUch a great frienD** :) you are great and who's your bffl?
Hay buda !!* x hehhee aWhh* I jst try my bess* xx guy or girls ?* x
Heyhey... Wlet se jys mut kwl... Bly awsme en mut nooit verandr ni... Luv u!:*:)
CUteeee !!* xxx tnx love youu*
Top 5 hottest guys you know?
Uhmm I donno !?? shi* hehehe .. Thre\'s a lot Matthew , Kyle S , Kyle R , Jamie , greg*
JyS mal se*y...!
Dankie* x
Kan ek asb ju tiete suig?
Hahahhahhahah !!* gaan suig mAar aan jou ma sin*
Nemrac jys awesome bly kwl!!!
Awh*thnx * love ya Nafets
Hey Carmen!!.. Who's ur cuteyy:) love yuu smileyy:* <3
Plsss !!!!* I love you my Cuteyyy !!*misss you alootttsssooo xxxx MWA
Its all your fault :'(
Hay * Liefe jo * Carmen mis jo mal baie *R*
Miss you more*
Carmen you are AMAZING!! Love you nhe?!! Love you so much !! Love Carin! We crazy friendzz***
Plss !!*the way you just made my day* x love you my sisterR** hehehe always will* Stoutgat* hehehe
Hay hay.... Stay cool Carmen!!!! Lvj* MinetteViv
ThnX Minette* x ;) love yea *
hey stay se*y and awesome :-D
ThAnk you* love ya loads eyy xx
You are always be amazing to me and I appreciate you so much
AwW* thanks soo muCh* you r one in a million* x neva eva 4gEt thAt xxx
Who do u like?
Hehe thiS one guy* x
Carmen not a slu* she's 13 years old she's that not that type of girl
14 years* hehehe but thAnk you* mWHa
Iloveyou so much Buda
Love you too Buda* xx