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casey kennedy


Ask me anything you like anonymously

8 Replies

Hi my amazing best friends♥ Love you soooo much .. Never forget it :* You are there when ι need you αnƌ always know what to say to cheer me up :) ι love you so much ♥.
??Person?? Let's see if you can guess who ι am

You are my best friend #NikitaHunter ♥. I love you to and you make me just as happy ♥. You make me laugh and smile, you just mean the world to me, and I never want to lose you. Ever. I mean it. Don't leave me. :*

Caseeyyy101 replied 4221 days ago

What's the funniest movie you've ever watched ?

Uhm, I think Grown Ups 1 and 2.

Caseeyyy101 replied 4221 days ago

Ever had a crush on a friend if yes ,who was it ?


Caseeyyy101 replied 4221 days ago

Do u get a lot of quoos

No, but I want to so please guy qooh away ;)x

Caseeyyy101 replied 4228 days ago

Its nt kayla

Give me a hint maybe I can try and guess who you are :D♥.

Caseeyyy101 replied 4228 days ago


Heyy Kayla :Dx

Caseeyyy101 replied 4228 days ago

Casey stay amaziiiing love you so muchies
Caylin♥ Cayliin101

Love you too Cayy ♥.

Caseeyyy101 replied 4228 days ago

Name a movie that made you or nearly made you to cry?

Dolphin Tale ♥.

Caseeyyy101 replied 4228 days ago