You very beautiful
Thank you
Favorite person?
my damn self
Uhm i did dm you but i see you think you're to good to reply hay
lol okay
What is the worst decision you ever made?
I can't even answer this . I make waaay too many bad decisions ?
Why do you think people like/hate you?
I don't really care tbh ✨
Wow love your d.p
Where you from?
Durban ✨
Is jasmin turner your blood sister ?
Would you date a guy in Johannesburg
nah , I don't do long distance relationships fam
You so sweet
Jokes you evil
you know ?
Would you give me yor number if i asked ?
nope ?
What quote do you live by?
there's a few actually ?
You have nice legs & cute toes .
Thank youu nana ? .
What specific thing do you dislike about people?
I dislike lots of things about people
What is in your pocket right now?
Labello ?
You and Jasmin are sister goals??
Thank youu❤️
Omg, you are fcking hot
Thank you love✨
Youre so gorgeous mama ?
Thank you sweetness?❤
I already asked your number but you didnt reply to my DM . You must think you're to good or something
Nah, I just don't wanna give you my number.
Your lips are better than Kylie Jenner's??????❤
Omf? thank you?❤
Who's your Hoee ? ??????
His name is Kian, and he's the best Hoee ever???❤
What will your child's name be ?
Can't say?, cause everyone will steal my child's name?
What is the best piece of advice you've ever gotten?
Show No Emotion
I'm gonna Skype you now okay Hoee ? ????✨❤
Not now Hoee!! Omf???❤
How could u Casey ?
Straight Savage.
Why u so mooi?
Ask my mama ☺
How many sugars do you take in your coffee?
Three, I think?
Why is all ur friends in our business?? U need to learn how to shut up bout some things!!!!
What "business" ??? ??? . You need to learn how to stop talking sht!!!
Sup Besss Fraaaaan
You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?
I would move to Paris.✨
Hoee , I love you . ??❤ Kian.lxxw
Ahh☺. I love you too Hoee??❤
What or who , do you think about the most ?
And you so mean to people.
Why tf you worried bout me?
You love yourself too much.
Or you mad or what?
Nah, I'm retarded.
What do you envy about the opposite $ex?
The fact that they don't menstruate?
What's stopping you from being the best version of you?
All the problems in my life
That's me??❤❤❤❤
What are you afraid of ?