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9 Replies

Lol yeah yeah your obviously embarrassed about it

You're* go back to school dumb fck

Casperkingsss replied 2361 days ago

Hahahahaha so you are embarrassed about your ticklishness

Not at all? just don't need to or want to share that information with you

Casperkingsss replied 2361 days ago

Are you one of those kids who finds it embarrassing to admit to how ticklish you are and where?

No I'm an adult, who's not gonna answer your creepy questions bro✌

Casperkingsss replied 2361 days ago

It is because it just is?? Thats not a reason! Lol! How is it weird??


Casperkingsss replied 2361 days ago

How is it weird tho?

It just is, why do you care so much about ticklish people

Casperkingsss replied 2361 days ago

How is that weird??

Just stop, it's weird

Casperkingsss replied 2361 days ago

I know your a guy obv! This isn’t a $exul thing lol

Well it's not $exual* but it's weird af, what even is this fetish you have it's so creepy

Casperkingsss replied 2361 days ago

What do you think tho?

Whoever this is you should probably know that I am a guy?

Casperkingsss replied 2361 days ago

If a boy pretends to his friends that he isn’t really ticklish but deep down he is extremely extremely ticklish what do you think should happen?

I don't know hey

Casperkingsss replied 2361 days ago