Wats ur ig
Don’t u sleep
I do😅😅ALOT actually.
Jy en pieter weer vriende?
Praat HY kak van jou_ek sal hom once moer vir jou wnt jy is kak mooi en is baie nice met n sagte hart!
Dit sal nie nodig wees nie maar dankie
Jp is nou met n klomp meisies te doen, ek sê maar net☹️
Haha ek kry teveel qooh's oor hom tho.
Maar dit sal die laaste enetjie wees wat ek antwoord oor hom. Ek worry regtig nie meer nie hy's mos nie meer my worries nie hy kan doen net wat hy wil. Ons is ons eie mens? En dis verby!!!
I want to take you out sooo bad but I'm afraid you would not.
HY het gehang op meisies by cheers
Haha lekker man
Wanneer kan ek en jy vir n slag iets doen
Wanneer ek weet wie jy is
Opinions about Muslims?
Respect any religion.
Do you go out alot?
Recently yes.
As ek jou op n date wil vat, sal jy ja sê?
Hang af wie jy is?
Wanneer kom jy langebaan toe?
Wanneer ek wil
Is jou hart nog seer?
Haha nee.
Het jy al gedink aan model werk?
Ja seker
Kom cheers toe!!!!
En dan?
Why don't we talk anymore? 😞
Idk who u are?
Jy verdien om bederf te word.
Jy is flippen cute
Haha baie dankie jy🙈
Jjy wil uhki n mahn great nie
Het jou seker nie gesien nie.
Wat het ek al verkeerd aan jou gedoen.
Seker maar iets
Jou vriendinne chat met jou ex! Ek wou jou al sê maar ek het nie geweet hoe nie, Jy sal nog altyd n spesiale plek in my hart hê maar ek hoop net jy besef dat hy nie goed was vir jou nie. Jy kan regtig beter doen Catherine.
Yes ek weet 😅 maar dis rustig!
Almal weet maar als. Mens leer mos maar uit n mens se foute😉 ag baie dankie man.
Leee Poole? Thoughts?
Jy's soo mooi! Ek hoop daars net vreugte en geluk in jou toekoms 😊
Dis baie nice van jou! Ek wens dieselfde vir jou toe. ❤️
Let's hook up again 👀
Who you? 😂
Whats your opinion about LOVE?
Love is just a word until someone gives it a meaning
U deserve the world
Thank you❤️
Hkm is jy só skaam?
My persoonlikheid.
Let’s keep it a mystery
Uhmm ok?
En só het jy gesê jp sal nooit vir my gaan nie? 😂
What can i say? 😅
Cheap items have many buyers...
Ya u know why coz coz like I love you with all my heart and soul
Who are you?
Smile poplap of ek sal my piel teen jou mond klap
Ek gaan jou stukkend naai as ek jou alleen vang
Skool klaar te maak.
Wat het tussen jou en jp gebeur?
Ek verkies om nie daaroor te praat nie❤️
Jy is nogal aan!
Haha dankie? 😂
Shame girl, jy moet sterk wees!
Jy kan baaaie beter doen!
Ag dankie man
😏 Kan ek jou maar n dm stuur?
If someone approaches u would you give your number?😅
I don't know?
Which school are u from?
Vredenburg high
Possibility of answering dms?
Some of them...
Raak jy ooit rof??
Would you rather be a sore poes at flamingos with a kak houding or have fun?
this actually answer's my previous qooh.
why so pretty man ? ?? ?
idk bout that
ons het kontak verloor maar ek hoop jy weet wie ek is en dat ek nogsteeds elke dag aan jou dink Cat. ??
Haaw. dm my asb,???
are you jealous of someone?
Naah _ but if i hav to think now it will probably be Tony's Gf/Bf ?? (trw)
Vampires or Werewolves ?
mmm_difficult one.
Favourite club?
flamingos in langebaan tho?
do you like lee?
just as a friend ?
A *GOOD* movie that you will recommend?
The Shack??❤
so jyy en henryyy huh? ?
????Ha.a ek kan net weeet wie's die!!
What do you like about parties?
the people?
Who u crushing on
i don't crush_
R u in a relationship
You know OF him✌? Learn the difference
Naah _we friends mahn so chill ur t*** ?⚡☝
If money wasn't an issue how would you spend a lovely summer shine Saturday? (pun not intended)
Go to cape town with a group friends.
Wanneer was jou eerste aand by flames en saam wie ?
Uhm kan nie onthou nie .
How many push ups can you do? itnearsme
A few
The clout is killing the kids
Oh okay
you and norman close?
What do you thing about Ashleigh croxford?
What do you think should stop??
Do you like someone on the moment?
What's your fear otm?
?uhm don't have one otm
What do you think about sushi ??
Do you still like casey?
Just as a fraaand?
When is your birthday?
26ste Augustus
did you love someone so much that you get a headache thinking about them toooo much?
Mm i don't know bout the headache tho?
Do you think casey leukes is a good boy?
Uhm i guess?
hoekom is jy en pieter nie meer vriende nie ?
Want SY is flou.
you are really pretty ???
Have you ever been in a situation on a bus trip where everyone really had to pee but only the guys were able to go?
Ohh id know girl #x
???then anonymous?
Anyone special in your life
I saw you and Heine talk yesterday by the hokkie field are you and Heine friends?
omw can't people just talk these days? en bwt asj ietsie wil hê moet jy dit sê moenie my dop hou nie
What do you like In a guy?
Tbh... his smile? how smooth he is? if he makes me smile while were talking? idk he just should be caring and should have respect for a woman...
Do you have a boyfriend ? ?
Do you know Damian du Preez
glad nie?
Is your home language English or Afrikaans
You are really cute❤can I have your number??
thank you?_i don't give my number 2 anyone, but dm me?
Hoeveel ouens het jy nou?,