Have you ever been friendzoned?
What's the perfect age for a guy that you'd date?
16-19 d0se r da rite ages!!! Mybe 15 years 0ld if they kn0w h0w 2 treat a garl!!
Do u eat ur own crap?
Ewwww!!! Wh0 is askin' dis kind 0f crap???
Do u eat your toe nails
Ewwwww!!!!!! Aaaa Helllll N000000!!!!!
C.C. You're the funnest most hilarious girl xD you are too special duudde LOL-Lots Of Love :pp xx <3
Aaaahhhh....*Dankie!!! =D wh0 eva u r!!!
Who do u think is the funniest coolest prettiest girl \ guy in your grade ;)) u gotta anser this one okay mwazzz xxx
I wuld say Zama nd Zai r da c00lest nd funniest!!! Every garl in my grde r pretty!!!!
Whos da hottest guy in ur grade... gotta choose...
Sadly dere rnt any h0t guyz in my grde!!!! :(
Who has the se*iest fringe?
I dink dis Emma :).....I wuld say......hmmm...??Emma!!!
hiii who do you think would look cute together in your clas* and in your grade d:
In my clas* it wuld b Lusiba nd Zama!!! In my grde it wuld Emma nd 0liver!!!! :D
Ur such a se*y gal... will u marry me?
Aaaahhhh...thnk u!!!! Bt I dnt u!!! :)
Pills dat c0ntain veges!!! =))
Ooooor eeeem geeeeerrrr..............so..my question is that I think ur soorrr special-what defines cece4 short? How can some1 be cece..what's she like? :D
Well CeCe_4_Sh0rt is always 0ut-g0ing
Its ur sisters friend
Nd what\'s ur name??
Hiiiiirr........what's urrr fave colourrrr?
My fav0urrrrrrrrrate c0l0urrrrrrrrr is pink nd turrrrrrrrqui0se!!!!
Hey ceceeeerrrrr...how rrrr uuurrrr...do u always put rrrr's in ur words? Eeven the ones without rrr's?????and who's thee best non-black persoon in ur clas* that acts like a black persoon?? :D
Yessrrrrrrrrrr, I alwaysrrrrrr d0rrrrrrrrr. I wuld actually say its Zaheerah nd Pierre :)