are you currently dating?
How is bin Life? Sparta
It's bin supa hectic but i'm taking it 1 day at a tym :)
Lulu LoVeZ yuu, n thank yuu 4 everything:) mwaaaahug<3
C0mfy l0ves u m0rest! D0n't eva 4get dat** anythng f0r my lil grl :) mwaaah!
wats goin on between u nd gift in matric r yal dating?
Lol, wahahaha...na we aint. He's my bg br0.
Do u think any of the people in your grade campaigned for votes to get into the exec?
I'd b lying if i said n0...lol! #JustSayin
Wat kinda guy wud u lik to go out wit wat qualities an wat age Casdarwin
A g0od l0oking, respectable, mature and understanding guy. As 0f n0w my age limit is 22
(: . Yes, I got feelings for ya.
0lryt an0nym0us, y d0n't u inb0x me nd we'll pick it up fr0m der :)
are you in any relationship?
U r such a two faced person!
Glad u thnk s0 :) have a nyc lyf th0*
De single life or being in a relat'ship?
The single lyf! =] #NoRegrets
Who do u like rite nw?
Am prettie much sure dat ya single...cuz dats wat ya alwayz tune..lol..But wat kinda Dude ya wanna 've in ya Life? Sparta
A guy wh0 accepts + l0ves me flaws nd all and respects my flngs!
I will like to be ur friend....wat do u think? Samad4u
Lol d0 i even kn0w u??!
*exy legs ;)
Thanx bbe :)
Is it tru u likd liso?
hahahahaha u like things...!
You're a cul girl. Love your persona
Thanx hun...jst knw that i got mad respect for u :)
Are u into any relationship? Samad4u
At the moment, no... jst too much drama!!!
Do you have an idea what *ex is or how it feels like?
Yes i d0 but i d0n't kn0w wat it feels lyk
I didnt knw u gart dat big en butifu as*....is it?
Well....lol...s0 they say. I'm blessd i guess :)
Wat ar u studyn curently i havent askd ths question so latly (jan)
I'm in grade 11
I got nuthin bt luv 4 u :)
Me2 bbe, me2! Mwah (^^,)
You r so beautiful and i just wonda y u r stl single?
I jst feel it's best dat way...buh thanx f0r da c0mpliment l0vey :)
Wat irritates u at da moment?
Ppl wh0 jump t0 c0nclusi0ns and self abs0rbd ppl
I'd catch a grenade 4 ya baby....*
Lol buh i h0pe u kn0w i wld neva d0 da same. Thnx th0 :)
Have u eva been ****d properly b4
Lol...yea by lyf!
Whats the most important thing u cant be without???? And y???
Music!!! It's my feel g0od remedy 0n bad days and g0od days**
Wats de best thin dat meks u smile wen eva its dawn en wen ur asleep?
At da m0ment ntn makes me smyl :(
Wat do u treasure mst dat u wudnt wnt any 1 to ruin it?
My family....i guess :/
Imagn u fall in luv wit ths man..whos dwn 2 earth...jst wen u ar abt 2get maried, u discver hs Hiv postive en hz 2 children who ar also positv..wud u marry him?lol.
H0nestli n0. N0t dat i discriminate buh i dream 0f having my 0wn kids 1 day nd wif da guy being HIV+ i d0n't c dat happening.
Watsup wit u nd Mlondi???¿
Haha, h0pe dis aint s0me jel0w chikita askin'....if it'll make u hapi, NoThInG! We're jst tyt frnds...he's m0re lyk a br0 i wish i had.
Wat do u hate most abt urslf?
My hands and feet +
i care a l0t b0wt ppl wh0 d0n't even gve a damn b0wt me.
Will u b ma fairytale bby?
Lol 0f c0urse i will =) hahaha
R u interestd in someone at the moment?
Weeellll....[^^,]...mayb, mayb nat!
Imagine u find yo boyfriend kisn another gal in his room. wat wud b yo first reaction?.....u gata b hz honest as u cn 2 gv de ans.
Lol w0w! Dats a tuf 1 buh I wld silently walk 0wta his r0om and 0wta his lyf f0r g0od. N0 guy dat d0es dat t0 me wld b deservin 0f my tym!
Hv u 4 1s thot luv is jst useles and it doz nt pay u anythn?...
So many tyms....buh hey wh0 am I t0 kn0w wat l0ve is. I feel lyk I'm stl clueless b0wt wat da w0rd means!
Ur ideal guy in one word?
I cnt thnk 0f a w0rd ryt n0w buh he has t0 b d0wn t0 earth :)
Ar u a virgin? i bet God is watchn ya and u wil b honest as u can..if nt hw many hv dne it wit ya?....hahaha....lol. (Jan melbine)
LoL Jan, if u must knOw i'm as pure as snOw! Aint rushing jst yet!
1 thing u wish u had rite nw?
Y0h dats a t0ugh 0ne. I thnk it'll hve t0 b l0ve..!
Y r u so selfish?n y do u talk abt ppl behid their bac..wena dnt u hav anythng 2 do?dat h8 u hav in ur heart shld end..u cnt b h8ing on ur sis lyk dis..wat has sh done 2 u?...
Lol....hmmmm 0wkaaay!
Wat hapPND Btwn U n duncAN?¿
L0o0o0o0ng st0ry which w0uld take 4eva t0 g0 thru...lol jk! H0nestli it's s0methng pers0nal which i'd ratha n0t g0 in2 buh me and hm r tyt frnds n0w :)
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
Me liking u....lol
Who are you dating currently
No one
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Crazy, beautiful and smart