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Ask me anything you like anonymously

22 Replies

What would you like to ask God?

I'd ask him how were people made

Cflower8 replied 3977 days ago

Why do u hang out with Rosie and Millie's friends all the time it's weird

I have to. I can't choose in the matter.

Cflower8 replied 3980 days ago

What is the one thing you think people hate about you?

How I sometimes hardly speak

Cflower8 replied 3981 days ago

That thing that irritate you about your friend?

What ?

Cflower8 replied 3983 days ago

A person you never want to talk to again?

Meagan and Ethan

Cflower8 replied 3988 days ago

A song that you've over played?

Best of me by a day to remember

Cflower8 replied 3989 days ago

Why do men have nips

Ahahahahahah ahahah cuz there *exy

Cflower8 replied 3990 days ago

What's the worst tasting thing to have been in your mouth


Cflower8 replied 3995 days ago

Which product or service do you find ridiculously overpriced?


Cflower8 replied 3995 days ago

If you had a choice between being beautiful but naked for the rest of your life or ugly but fully clothed for the rest of your life which would you pick

Ugly cuz then I can change myself to be beautiful

Cflower8 replied 3995 days ago

How do you act when drunk

All happy

Cflower8 replied 3995 days ago

How do you feel about dating exes?


Cflower8 replied 3998 days ago

How do I ask a girl out?

You go up to her kiss her then go down on one knee if front of people and say will you go out with me

Cflower8 replied 4001 days ago

How come girls always talk to you but then never respond the day after, it pissed me of so ****ing much 😢

Do I ? I never knew that sorry I'll respond now

Cflower8 replied 4001 days ago

What was your last date like?

Who the hell knows

Cflower8 replied 4001 days ago