Chad Smith II
Perfect birthday Gift .
Ask Jeremih he got the answer.
In Side Show last month you were mellow the whole time what was wrong then ?
Was hungry .
Be my Mr Grey :$
Naah I'm Mr Smith .
A super power you wished you had and why ?
To magnetically attract food .
How old are you?
I'm 19 , Groot man met 5 kinders
Condom or Birthcontrol *lmao
Don't need that if your faith is strong .
Why do you love your full stops ? [.] Haha =D
Because I use punctuation to be sarcastic .
Chad you know who this is. You know how you held your arms around me last night as your lips gently kissed me. And I asked you what's for desert and you said DEEZ NUTS.
Did you atleast enjoy desert ?
Ov kinners make you mal nerh
Naah brah not at all .
Would you please clean my room? :(
I haven't cleaned my room for 19 years, I just hide shxt
What do you like boo*s or b*m ?
B U M with out a doubt.
What is the name of the one ex you'll never forget.
That other girly , what's her name now again .
What position do you play hockey ?
Left Link or striker
Money or Loyalty ?
Loyalty , ima be rich anyway.
In Your Room or in the Shower ?
I usually get dressed in my room.
Goals in relationship ?
*ex , marriage , happiness ?
Happines then marriage then s e x .
In 2013 at the SA hockey competition , what dorm did you excape too ?
I went for a Jog . I'm still sticking to my lullaby
A bad habit you think you will never get rid of ?
Beging friends for food .
bc only nice people , like me , lives in Worcester .
Haha this of you'ce worcester people .
i love you chad
Why do I get a feeling you from worcester
If you could match two of your friends up whoo would be and y?
Marshall & Miah
Because you both can cook. [More food for me]
Or Aneeqa & sherazaan #loveLesbians
Are yOooou friendz wiF everi1 or juSt a grouP arRe thEre Hot gurlZ anD Guyz
Uhhm I don't check out my friend clique much but I hang out with a lot of Models , Longboards & DJ so draw the conclution.
Do you miss your high school friends at all?
I miss every single soul of high school I practically befriend my whole high school so yes I do miss them .
Where do you go college and hows your friends
CCT Thornton.
My friends are mad & a major part of my life .
I sEe you loOve food alot wHere do yoU get your fOod frOm EveRy dAy
Everyone that eats around me.
Who do you consider as true friends
My college friends
Longboard Team
& everyone who gives me food
Jy lyk daarem *exy vandag :D ( how do you spell daarem lmao)
Haha the afrikaans tho '
I think that's correct , we both s*ck at afrikaans.
Who do you plan to marry 1day?
Radiyah Otto
Wiil u make a miiix wif me if u say yes I'll piing u on bbm
Yes but you have to consider my mixing manner .
The most played song on your phone B-lazy .
Fetty Wap - Trap Queen
Who's your crush ? caitlin86
Tiffany Oosthuizen .
I love you bestfriend <3 caitlin86
No , I don't do the "Friend-zone" buzz
When am I meeting The real Chad smith?
As soon as I'm mobile again.
If liverpool had to win the league what would you do?
Tattoo the liverpool badge on my arm :')
Do you see your crush everyday?
Not at all :'( .
Why do you love me . [You know who this is]
This must be Food.
I don't know why I Love Food its just a natural habit to love you.
What wheels do you have on your longboard ?
Globe Classics .
What happend between you & Laylah ?
Sometimes it just doesn't work out.
Omg ii think you're extremely amazing!
but it's heartbreaking to see that you have your eye on someone else :( .
Ping me on BBM please <3 , who says its not you ?
Do you currently have your eye on someone ? if so, what makes you like her? :P
I am eye'ing someone & uhhm I like her because she accept the fact that "I'm not perfect nor is my past "
Why are you so adorable ? :P
Me adorable . You must be kidding me.
Do you smoke the green grass?
Nope :P . I refrain myself from illegal activities .
When you going to do the edm article.
Djcasanova <3
As soon as I have time bro .
Whats the thing you liked the most about your Ex ?
The fact that she's not I'm my life & her smile .