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whatever floats your boat.

870 Replies

What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?

Just open the broodbluk and ate our brood

Chakalaka_ replied 2627 days ago

Plans for 2018?

stay lowkey and let them assume

Chakalaka_ replied 2632 days ago

What is the dumbest thing you have done today?

Held someone's hand, thinking it was my mom's

Chakalaka_ replied 2637 days ago 2

What is the worst decision you ever made?

Don't have.
I believe every decision I made , made me the person I am today and I'm more than happy.

Chakalaka_ replied 2654 days ago

Heya girlie this is a random question but where did you get your braces a few years ago and how much were they?

Dr D. Sundrum and I'm not sure how much they were. But if you make an appointment they'll explain everything to you ?

Chakalaka_ replied 2658 days ago

What did your last relationship teach you?

To rather stay single

Chakalaka_ replied 2661 days ago

hgd nou met Brad?

Eintlik baie goed. Dokters het gese dat hy maande gaan moet vat om te leer skryf en loop ens. En hy praat nou normal en plus hy loop nou by homself

Chakalaka_ replied 2662 days ago

What's one of the dumbest things you've heard someone say?

Basically everything that comes out of vian's mouth

Chakalaka_ replied 2666 days ago

Would you ever go back to an ex ? If so , who ?


Chakalaka_ replied 2669 days ago

This is not a question but a tip: You can put your link on your 24hr whatsapp status to get more questions.

cool cool

Chakalaka_ replied 2671 days ago

wats fout met Brad?

Hy was in n drag racing ongeluk. Hul moes n brein opp op hom doen. Die kar was heeltemal afgeskryf

Chakalaka_ replied 2676 days ago

Ons het al gepraat ,, weet nie of jy kan aflei wie die is nie , maar het jou al gesien maar wou jou so graag ontmoet?

Het nie regtig n idee nie, jammer? maar Dm my xx?

Chakalaka_ replied 2677 days ago

What is the longest running lie you have continued to tell?

It wouldn't be a lie anymore if i told you , now would it.

Chakalaka_ replied 2686 days ago 1

Guntseling liedjie van all time

Say you wont let go / im yours

Chakalaka_ replied 2690 days ago

Hi wanna see my $ex photo angelaef685

Weet jy wat. Eks eintlik fine

Chakalaka_ replied 2691 days ago