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why Don't You Give Me Yours
Haha Well I Don't Use BBM
The Fact That I Am So Loyal To The Ones I dDon't Care About Yet I Hurt My Loved Ones The Most...
My awesome friends
Well I must say whoever you are are indeed correct..And yes I know I've googled it but I read wrong once technically I love the opposite gender and I'm not pan*exual..And the point of this is that whoever you are is rigt now laufing at me bcoz I used the incorrect word to say the right thing....
How do I deal with a break up...Well honestly I never went thru one before but I did break a guys heart once...And since I'm so negative it never ever affected me ..But I'm just gna say deal with it the way you deal with pain...
Haha sure Tashrini Winnie Pie Seeth Nundlall...
Hahah....So funny Winnie Pie..ABBBBBBHHHHHAYYY shall find out...
Yeah I do..2A2E3ED4..Invite me
Dude whoever you are..I just want to say that it depends...But maybe
Barely Lethal