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Chanie G


44 Replies

Hey chandre! Stay awesome!!!!!! But I'm still going to get you back !!!!!! Love u!!!!

Guess who! Shannonlilly

I\'m poo scared of you.

Chanie09 replied 4353 days ago

Hehe shap shap happy birthday! 007J.man007


Chanie09 replied 4353 days ago

Hey sussie! Its ur bro! Stay awesome and cnt wait 2 c u agen!!!!!!!!!!! ({}).

Guess who, haha, its EASY! Idea =D

Chanie09 replied 4353 days ago

Who do you like?

No one (:

Chanie09 replied 4353 days ago

Do you like Tyler?

Tyler is my friend. That I spend way to much time don\'t \"like like\" him.

Chanie09 replied 4362 days ago

Hey who was the best boyfriend you ever had , answr please don't avoid itt

I don\'t think I\'ve really had a \"best boyfriend\"..they were all awesome, but none of them lasted longer than a month.

Chanie09 replied 4362 days ago

You're my favorite person Chandre

Aaw, thank you so much random person! ({}) =D that means a lot.

Chanie09 replied 4364 days ago

Chaniee this is da best person ull eva meet I sit next 2 u in tech nd ems we aRe so bored in that subject and u lyk drawing in ur diary

Heey NJ!!!!!!!!! Yeah...we do get bored in tech..(Between all the arm wrestling and flexing:p)
I\'m gonna beat you in arm wrestling one day Nj....I\'ll get there=D
Oh, ya...I like drawing in my diary:p I did some finger painting in there...I must show you ;).

Chanie09 replied 4364 days ago

Who do u dislike

I don\'t dislike anyone. Yes, I admit that some people annoy the EVERYTHING out of me...but I don\'t dislike them. :)

Chanie09 replied 4365 days ago

I think Chanie loves me

Uum...unless your my bed..I don\'t think I love you. I don\'t really do \"love\"...well..maybe..just tell me who you are ;) you have to be super special to me if I love you.

Chanie09 replied 4365 days ago

If u were a guy u wuld be scared of people:D exmaple Terrance

Nope:p I really don\'t see what there\'s to be scared of.

Chanie09 replied 4366 days ago

Who r u scared of?

I\'m scared of Bed bugs. Really?...I\'m not scared of anyone..what\'s there to be scared of?=D oh..btw YOU AWESOME PERSON!!!!! Thank you for asking me something:p been dying to get some q\'s.

Chanie09 replied 4366 days ago

Hey Chanie I miss you so much , I enjoy listening to your strange dreams , I think you know who it is , my q is wich would you rather lose a leg or arm

Aaw, thanks! miss you too. I enjoy telling you my weird dreams ;) uum...I think I\'d rather lose an arm...cus then I can still walk...and I\'ll still have 5 I guess I\'ll still be...uum...but then I\'ll give spastic hugs =D...but if I lose a leg..then..I can\'t talk people face to face?! And I\'m already short enough. :\'( you confuse me so muc!h =D :D x_x I think I\'d lose both because then I won\'t look like a random person without an arm or leg...I\'ll look like a SUPER random person without a arm AND a leg! :D they\'ll think I was in a war or your answer...I\'d lose both.
I know..its spastic:p

Chanie09 replied 4366 days ago

Chanie that person who is rude 2 u is jst a little Bit** haha bye da way nyc comeback sho dem who's da man/girl

Thank you...!! (Whoever you are) =D ({}) doesn\'t matter...but that person couldn\'t hate me that much cus he/she put in a lot of effort and time to write that loooong message.:p
Stay chiLled! (Again..whoever you might be):p

Chanie09 replied 4366 days ago

So who do u like

To be completely honest with you, I don\'t really like anyone. ...wait..that sounded wrong..I like know..not as like:p

Chanie09 replied 4366 days ago