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chante van der Walt


Ask me anything you like anonymously

4 Replies

Ever had your heart broken? If so by who?

The question should actually be, who hasn't broken my heart yet...

Chante.Pikachu replied 3860 days ago

Why have u given up on Luv?

Who did that to u u used 2 b so cool and now ur hrtless?

I don't really see how that is any of your concern.??*

Chante.Pikachu replied 3874 days ago

You never Puff my Jiggles :* I love that about u my darling ,never change yo sassy as* ;) xox much love niggah ;) NicksiePixie14

Hehe, Naaaawh.!!! Te Amo Jigglypuff ♡

Chante.Pikachu replied 3874 days ago 2

Max here. Anyway I just wanted to be awesome and spread sum luv on your Qoohmeee. Stay amazing you beautiful girl don't let them haters get you down and remember keep your head up cuz your crown might fall xoxo

- Boo ;)

Naaaewh I miss you nunus :( Move back to jhb.!! :(

Chante.Pikachu replied 3876 days ago