What if man's not hot
Then man is cold
You’re so beautiful
Thank you ❤️
Just tell me if your boo*s are a, b or c❤
What's your bra size?☹❤
That’s a bit personal don’t you think ??
How old are you?
Take a guess
Youre extremely prettyyy?
Personally I feel the opposite, but thank you ❤️
You’re so beautiful
Thank you love ?
Any guys youq have before I slide into your dms?
Are you Kailen something ?
Can I dm you?
Go for it ?
Is @saiiyuriii nice?
Literally the best and most genuine
Why you and Keah got beef
Why you care
30. Who do you love the most Frozn
My fam
Why you don’t like keah
You don’t need to know
Would you consider ur self loyal
Yeah but that is just my opinion
Do u hook up often
I’m a good girl
Do you consider Keah your close friend
Hell no ?
Your favorite couple in Durban?
My mommy and daddy ?
Who are you going to take to your matric dance and grade 11
Idk, I will see what happens when the time comes
TOp 5 bestfriends?
I don’t really have a top or anything, I only have two friends which is
Saiyuri & Santhini
Well chante i don’t know why I’m so scared to message you and tell you I miss you and tell you I miss everything about you and just talking to you
Don’t be scared- I don’t bite chillax
Okay well then I’m gonna message you then and say I miss you
Please do
If you were on a balcony, saw two sets of fingers grabbing onto the edge, looked over the railing and saw a robber dangling below you, what would you do? In detail
Omg Idk ???
So remember I said I miss what we had and I miss you, what happened if I did message but you never read it and reply
Message me saying “ I miss you ?” ??
How do I get things back to normal with us coz I really regret what I did to you
Ay the past is the past, we are in the present so you shouldn’t be bothered about what happened back then
Dreams for the future?
I really wanna travel the world
What should people stop buying?
You want sum fck
No no I’m good ?
Is Keah a btch be honest
You should ask her not me
how you know zak?
Zak who?
Can you please follow, comment and like my recent please I'd really appreciate it ???@kam_spirxcy_xx
Eh I’m lazy
What do you like the most about your life
My family and Saiyuri always there to support me ❤️
Zak and you?
Zak’s mah franddd ?
Here’s a scenario. You and a rapist are on a platform over a deep pit. You push them off but the grab onto the edge and hold on. You look down at them hanging.
In detail, what do you do to them?
This is hard , I’m not a bad person. I would pull them up if I see good as everyone should be entitled to a second chance but if they’re still acting funny then I would leave them but turn my head so I don’t see them fall
Well to be honest I miss what we had and I miss you
I’m sorry ?message me please
I wish I could change what happened between us
Message me?❤️
What is the smartest thing you've ever done?
Try stay positive
Favourite track of 2018?
Imma oldie ?but I like gods plan and finesse though I’ve heard too much of them both ?
What are you sick of trying to explain to people?
As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?
The fact that I can’t change the past
Best friend?
Saiyuri and Santhini
Which movie do you regret watching and why ?
The girl with all the gifts or something like that, it was just dumb
Saw your comment on one of Diya Nayager’s pictures don’t be her friend she is a btch
You don’t choose my friends for me thanks
Are you dating anyone?
Where u from
South Africa
Date of birth?
5 September 2002
What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?
Many things
What did you get for Christmas?
Clothes and more❤️
Furtherest you've been with a guy, Keah_rr
Why you wanna know??
You could just message me tf
Plans for 2018?
Have a good time and be focused
What is the dumbest thing you have done today?
Eh nothing , I just woke up
U a virgin?
Do dogs fly ?
Where did u get those big clear glasses from ?
Woolworths but it’s also in factorie ?
Delete that picture of you in the swimsuit, you are really a attention seeking ***** tbh
How am I attention seeking? Before sending hurtful and hate messages to others, you should think twice since you don’t know the person inside out
Whose ur best friend?
Well I don’t have 1 specific person but here’s the list to my close peoples:
Saiyuri, Mikaya, Amani, Iman H
What happened between you and Ayushka ?
We still friends I guess
What is the worst decision you ever made?
Trusting people
Did you and Ayushka have a fight ?
Nah she found someone better
Can I dm you?
Go for it ⚡️
Am I your mirror ?☹️❤️
How I caress myself ue4t3. tk donna4j184
Yeah cause you ain’t caressing me ?
What is the longest running lie you have continued to tell?
Idk tbh
Show how I mas******* jxhotbox.stream shannono6808
btch stfu
Very beautiful and hot, fck me in all holes) here jxhotbox.top mindy7f787
Nah bro ?♀️
Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?
Hmm being nice
Do you want to see me?:) joy18cutegirl.men ashley08535
No I don’t
Do u like oveesahy???
As a friend ?♀️
you are so beautiful ??
I’m sure you’re looking in the mirror ❤️❤️
You’re so stunning...?❤️? zara5khan
I admire people with kind hearts ?❤️❤️
hi, u can fund more my nude photos here - xsweetxxhot.info melissap3992
Alright ???
What misconception about you would you like to clear up ?
I have feelings too
My private photos look here jxhotbox.info alaina57400
I honestly do not care ?
Damn girl you so pretty
You Got a heart of gold ??
message me when you're free chilp.it/afcd9d5 nicoleu4758
No thanks ??
hi, u can fund more my nude photos here - tinyurl.com/wwsewxx kristiqu907
Sies no thanks
I'm rаrelу here, my соmрlete prоfile hеre skc.name/u?xxdxss jessicazp267
Eeww ?
МУ hot webcam seе hеrе bit.do/xxgirls linda01554
Wtf ?
Why do you think people like/hate you?
Cause people judge
Have different opinions about you
The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?
Most probably cry
But I'll survive ?♀️
Beautiful eyes ?
Beautiful heart oml ??
Body goals ?
Personality goals ❤️✨
Omg girl why you so pretty ?
Why yah so sweet ?
You so beautiful in person ?
Thank you ?
go learn your English please - Your G gets a capital letter and your concord (if you know what that is) is wrong
Shut up ?Idc
Girl why you so mean? My friend dm'd you and I know you know him and you were fcking rude.
I truly am sorry❤️ Please dm me and I won't be rude I promise
I don't understand why you don't just answer the question? Like fck sakes stop acting like you give two shts about English.
I actually do care cause if English is in the wrong context, someone could read it and misunderstand it
What's something you fell in love with instantly?
Food ?
girl why you so mean. My friend dm'd you and I know you know him. And you fcking were rude? Girly stop acting big
Girl why you so mean?* My friend dm'd you and I know you know him and you were fcking rude.*
go learn your English please
Are you in grade 10
Maybe, maybe not
Keah changed after getting a bf ?
Ayyy go see for yourself
Do you miss your friends from primary school? And who do you miss ?
Yes I do ?There's too many to even name
What's something that took you way too long to realize?
I don't know