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Ask me anything you like anonymously

14 Replies

What does your name mean ?

It means, an idiot or a womens breasts

Charlie.Daws replied 2853 days ago 1

Taylah I can fix this ???? don't you say that every advisory class ???

I wold the say every class ?

Charlie.Daws replied 2875 days ago

What causes you to stay up late?


Charlie.Daws replied 2958 days ago

What do you want to hate, but can't?

Andrew he's just loveable ???

Charlie.Daws replied 2961 days ago 1

Hannah likes you

Hoo hoo better get me so

Charlie.Daws replied 2963 days ago


But don't wanna

Charlie.Daws replied 2963 days ago

Dodgey daws Andrewharris200

That's me

Charlie.Daws replied 2964 days ago

Shut up Charlie

But I don't wanna

Charlie.Daws replied 2970 days ago

What would put a smile on your face today ?

Getting out of casualty

Charlie.Daws replied 2973 days ago

The last lie you told ?

Taylah I can fix this

Charlie.Daws replied 2977 days ago

Not madness, it's hate ???????????? Schylerm_

Sure sure

Charlie.Daws replied 2982 days ago

I still hate you ? Schylerm_

Nah your MAD!!! cause you ain't got no hotspot?

Charlie.Daws replied 2984 days ago

Thoughts ? Tay_grubissa

Aww biggest kink in the chain I know but still funny and nice great to talk to

Charlie.Daws replied 2984 days ago 1

thoughts on me? hannah.ely

Hannah's a great gal. Know her along time she's nice and funny (drop the mic)

Charlie.Daws replied 2984 days ago