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You're ugly xoxo

1k Replies

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

buy lots of meth

CharlieShelton replied 3188 days ago

What is your motto?

When life gets me down i just sit, close my eyes and think "well... atleast i'm not Marcus.."

CharlieShelton replied 3222 days ago 2

What's under your bed?

I'm too scared to check tbh, no clue what i've left under there.

CharlieShelton replied 3243 days ago

fck you.

Cutie xx

CharlieShelton replied 3244 days ago

It's Shae, I'd love to titfck you sometime

Oh hey Shae, yeah sure, how does tomorrow sound?

CharlieShelton replied 3244 days ago

Vince is a good bloke and all, but I think its pretty fcking weird how he flirts with younger girls usually in a relationship. If I was in your position I'd be pissed.


CharlieShelton replied 3244 days ago

If a taco and a grilled cheese had a fight, street rules, who would win?

The taco wins in the movie, so i'm going to have to say the taco.

CharlieShelton replied 3246 days ago

s*ck a fat one

Sure thing xx

CharlieShelton replied 3247 days ago

Charlie its your bestfriend, lets do something soon.

Awh yeah true

CharlieShelton replied 3247 days ago



CharlieShelton replied 3247 days ago

I miss u :-(

inbox meee

CharlieShelton replied 3247 days ago



CharlieShelton replied 3247 days ago

What cheers you up ?

The people close to me

CharlieShelton replied 3247 days ago

you're really attractive, congrats xxx

Awh thankyou! x

CharlieShelton replied 3259 days ago

get off and start practising azir m8


CharlieShelton replied 3259 days ago