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No! That's descusting! I take a bath every morn lol
Soz blakè
Some annoying kid Narh man just kidding! Good to hang out with
Jk boarda? They are great
Ha what ever m8, obviously don't know us
Omg! I don't even know you anymore :( it's been so long since we have caught up!!!
Don't squish gape in my hand is a number 1 CHOPS
Freshest cut Gayvi Hahahah Narh you're noooice, attractive but I'm not that close with you anymore!
Oh yeah I'm bad as* man
You made me piss my self doggggg ;)
Mi fam
Lol to that
Oh it is
More people the better
Jesslyn my main
I did lerrrl
SANDY!! I bloody love ya! Best bod out there, so funny and nice and we have things in common, one of my bestos! Boys pls
Aww Phoenix!! Such a nice girl, so gorgeous, we have become closer within the last week but it would be better to get even closer!!
I don't know, no reason really
Really nice and attractive!! Funny and we should talk more! :) and we need to go to the footy sometime when I'm free haha! And jesslyn
Aw thankyou! xx but I'm really not! :/
Jesslyn, Emily, Cassie, Karly, Nicky :)
I can't really remember, it was in year 7 and everyone was like mad at her and I stuck up for her and was being her friend I think and then we realised we had a lot in common then it just went from there :)
Great lad!! Nice, funny, attractive, become so close lately. Girls get on him pls
No I don't love my self but why would it be so bad if I did? It would be good if everyone loved them self wouldn't it? Just because you hate your self lerrl
Bloody waited in franga hospital for 3 hours for an x ray... Not broken but soft tissue injury
Ders, smid, Aaron, Blake, Matt, Levi. Idk
Great bloke!! So nice! Funny and I still feel sorry for ditching you in history! :( haha
Erin Martello
Narh man just because I have a lot of guy friends
Birthday suit for sure
Lol Narh
Yeah bby nip slip oorrrrrrr
ahahhahaha he doesn't go to jpc and Narh we are just really good friends!
Aiden, Blake, Matt..... There's more
Not a lot
Narh I didn't think so we act more like sisters aye
Nicky!! You are so so nice and so gorgeous it's no fair :( I would love to get to know you better! :)xx
Aww Harry! Such a cutie and so nice! :)
Lol I won't be at school tomoz soz
Such a gorgeous girl! So nice but not that close but I hope we get closer!! xxx
Aww we are just past five months! <3 you are such I great guy, I love you!!
Ewwwwww jks So pretty, really nice and funny and I have become a lot closer with her lately!! s*cks at athletics xxoxoxo lel
Really nice guy! Don't really talk a lot tho
When they think they are funny (j creds)
fuk no u r gay
All gorgeous girls! Nicest people you will ever meet! Best bodies! xxx
Everyone, everything :)
No one m8
Why is jesslyn such a spastic
Ask her yourself
Ahaha thanks?
Narh m8
Fgt ;) Freeeaaaaaak
Bish* How many chins? (Coming from a Hermaphrodite)
Yeah bby j cred sends me then all the tieeeee
Why wouldn't I?
Because he is a retard
I had a feeling it was!!!!! Hahah and I know it's *exy don't worry :))
HAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA because I was a scooter rat, it's broken
It's not ni you make the call, order foo and not pick up
J credzzz and blaaky
Yeah she is aye
What did I do ya bish
Ask her your self, stop asking me.
The whole school knows haha
Just the uuuuuuuss, trippa snippa m8
He wasn't committed and thought I deserved better iddkkk you ask him yourself
Nicest girl ! So naturally pretty, has the best body and is a gun at athletics !x
Haahhahha whatever Avery
Lovin the macaroni ;)
Land a backroll, jesslyn credlin lol
Really nice guy, attractive an yeah :)
Took you a while to figure that one out
Don't really have a best one
Yeah, I don't use it that much tho
I'm only quiet with some people, and thankyou !:)
All very nice gals ! Easy to talk to, all so pretty :( and have good bodies !!
I don't get what you are saying
Jesslyn Credlin is
Quiet a lot haha
Franks perf