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My Babbiiiii*.....Charl ;;) hehe*...howp I'm riht x_x hehe*...!!.....•••
Haha wat can I say I just know wats its lyk if ur alone!!...(If no1 is there 4 u!) Its my plsre!!..:) lolz not sure wu this is but if ur one of my frnds loves ya n anytym AnG*
Im sowi* if i do!...but i dona wu you r*!!! Sow ???????????? :/
Sowi* i just dont like it when ppl r sow curious bwt my love life!....if u just say wu u r i will answer as many Q u ask*!!! :p
Why are u so intrested in my love life*?????????*
To be honest im falling for this 1 boi* becoz he is just sow sweet and kind and reali amzing*!!! :]x :p
I have lots of very guwd close friends ey! But id have to say MEGZ is my bestest*! She alwys there for me and hopefully we will stick to each other for very long!!! :p
Firstly i dont just kiss any1 im not lyk that*! And secondly i dont even know wu u r*! =D
Sowi but im not gona just share that with sum1 i dont know*! Haha wu r u]
Wow! U got me there!!! Haha there r quite a few i lyk but not sure wu da best* :]y
Haha i got my eyes on sum1:]x but no1!!* :p
Well hehe :p there is lots of things and ways i can describe myself but if you reli wna know! very loving*! ? Answered?.... :D