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Charne Botha


jy het seker nie beter dinge om te doen nie ?

237 Replies

If you had to ask God a question what would it be?

to help me on the right path.

CharneXx replied 3660 days ago

Joh arme hy dis nogals mean hoor ..


CharneXx replied 3660 days ago

What time do you sleep? night :|

CharneXx replied 3684 days ago

Can money buy love?

It can buy chocolates..chocolate means love.

CharneXx replied 3703 days ago

Friend you cannot live without?

All 1 of them.

CharneXx replied 3729 days ago

favorite song of all time?

I really don't have one.

CharneXx replied 3734 days ago

En wt is di verste wt j al met 'n ou gegan ht

3 km.

CharneXx replied 3735 days ago

Dumbest thing you've ever heard ?

Your name.

CharneXx replied 3735 days ago

A super power you wish you had? dum tssh

CharneXx replied 3739 days ago

What are you really good at?

Watching tv.

CharneXx replied 3741 days ago

Who are you dating?

No one.

CharneXx replied 3746 days ago

Who would you like thank today and what for?

My mom, for giving me food.

CharneXx replied 3749 days ago

What have you learned today?

Nothing, I just woke up.

CharneXx replied 3749 days ago

Hehehe wi is die gelukge ou ?

Jou oupa.

CharneXx replied 3751 days ago

What does love mean to you ?

as jy wakker word met koue koffie langs jou bed want jou ma moes vroeg ry.

CharneXx replied 3751 days ago