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Laura Schmid


Guys and girls go crazy! Don't be shy :) All welcome! Keep me entertained xP

366 Replies

You have a pretty *exy chick sitting next to you

Well you should of just heard her evil weird laugh when I just told her... Lol

CheekyLaura replied 3983 days ago

Doesn't your user name embarrass you?

Nope... Why would it?

CheekyLaura replied 3983 days ago

How was dylan last night?

Dylan was a happy chap like the rest of us :)

CheekyLaura replied 3983 days ago

Hottest braemar boys?

Well I would have to say the ex student Brayden W :)

CheekyLaura replied 3994 days ago

how old were you when you first did more than kiss?

Wasn't a 12y

CheekyLaura replied 3994 days ago

how old were you when you first got fingered?

Have I gotten fingered?? Please always stick their rude finger at me... I don't know why :(

CheekyLaura replied 3994 days ago

who did you lose your virginity to?

Someone I wish I could take it back and keep it for someone special

CheekyLaura replied 3994 days ago 1

most youve done with a random guy?

This random guy was sitting next to me on the plane... We went to the Gold Coast...

CheekyLaura replied 3994 days ago 1

if shaun croatia dukic mounted you in the night like a croatian mounts a stallion what would you do

If Shaun mounted me like a stallion I would be sure to buck him off like a bull...

CheekyLaura replied 3994 days ago

if shaun croatia dukic came to your house and got into your bed you would drop your boyfriend in an instant, yes?

If Shaun were to get in my bed I would put the blanket on him and kiss his little forehead and say goodnight and go take the spare bed...

CheekyLaura replied 3994 days ago

don't lie if shaun croatia dukic came to your house dragging along the third leg you'd drop your boyfriend in an instant, yes?

If Shaun was to come to my house dragging a third leg I would ask him who's leg that is and that wouldn't make me drop my bf for an extra leg :)

CheekyLaura replied 3994 days ago

How was your first kiss like ?

Cute because I was in prep, at a maacas playground, hiding away with a boy name Franky :)

CheekyLaura replied 4002 days ago

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

My grey jumper :)

CheekyLaura replied 4009 days ago

What bores you about people ?

The amount of effort they put in to 'fit in with a group'

CheekyLaura replied 4011 days ago

You know. Tom jimmy danial lacy Dennis all those people ??? Or the girls you hanged out with ??

Tom I thought we were still good just don't talk heaps. Jimmy we haven't spoken for almost a year so i don't know there. Loki? I don't know with him, he seems genuinely nice and that but I'm not to sure....Dennis is just a no. And with the girls we just haven't spoken that much really...

CheekyLaura replied 4011 days ago